Page 30 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 6 July 2024
P. 30
n theory, networking events are one of the best If you are like most people who attend networking
ways to acquire new customers and to grow your events, you are not enjoying the consistent results
business. Has this been your experience? If you you are looking for. Remember that your success at
think about all the networking events you have networking is tied to your ability to effectively interact
attended during your business career, has the with people who are trying to achieve the same
time and effort you have invested turned into the things you are, namely meaningful business and sales
Isuccess you desire? success.
The reason most people do not get to Challenge no 3 networking events just because you feel
enjoy the kind of success they want from Most people attend networking events you ‘HAVE TO’. Only attend events which
traditional networking events is due to with little or no preparation. They wander will add meaningful value to you and your
one or a combination of the challenges aimlessly around hoping to bump into organisation.
listed below. the right person, who needs what they
have to offer. They leave each networking STRATEGIES TO OPTIMISE YOUR
Challenge no 1 event with a pile of business cards and NETWORKING EXPERIENCE
Most networking events are mixing never do anything with them. I have listed a few ideas below outlining
bowls for professionals with very some very effective ways which I use to
different agendas. Everyone at an Unless you are going to attend a optimise my own networking experience.
event is focused on their own needs networking event which is focused
and expectations, namely to meet on your industry or one where you HOSTING YOUR OWN EVENTS
new clients, create awareness of have a definite purpose for attending, I know this may seem like a stretch and
their product or service or they want networking events are a complete the costs involved in facilitating one of
to connect with the right people, with waste of effort. Don’t waste time these events may seem extremely high
whom they can form mutually beneficial attending a networking event when but the benefits of hosting your own
long term business relationships. your time could be invested far better networking event, where you can have
focusing on developing your existing a room filled with your perfect clients,
Challenge no 2: relationships. far outweigh the expense and effort
People attend events without any involved. Hosting your own events
foresight. There is a misconception WHAT IS NETWORKING? gives you almost complete control over
that any networking is better than I see networking as any activity which the attendees, the setting and the
‘NO NETWORKING’. The truth is that increases the intrinsic value of your outcome. It’s a great way to add value
networking at the wrong event, with business connections or raises the value to existing clients and connections -
people who are not interested in what of the contributions which you make to and it can also be an opportunity to
you have to sell, is completely pointless. it. As I stated previously, avoid attending meet and develop relationships with
28 DPL issue 6 2024