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Security Site Manager – Fourways
Gardens Residential Estate
e welcome Edwin Mukhwa to our Security Team and, by
way of introduction, we asked him to tell us more about
Whis background.
Why and how did you pursue a career in security?
I had wanted to be a policeman from a young age, but that didn't
happen because my parents wanted me to pursue a different career.
Later in my life, a family member heard of my passion for law
enforcement. I was already over 35 years of age and couldn't enrol
for the police force, so he recruited me into the security industry.
I received security training and a Grade C certificate, making me
eligible to work as a security officer. I worked as a guard for a few
small security companies, but I always wanted to know more; hence
I completed my Grade B and Grade A training.
I then joined a company called Security Web. Due to my command
of the English language, the company's CEO decided to take me What is the secret of your success?
under his wing and mentor me. He guided me as I gained experience The secret to my success is that I am always willing to learn new
in supervision and management of operations. I was appointed to things, and I have always striven for self-improvement at every
work as a Personal Assistant to the CEO to learn the ropes. opportunity that comes my way. I love working with people and I
am passionate about building and maintaining good relationships.
After six months, I was appointed to the position of Area Manager
– I attended security meetings, presented security reports and What are your top two security tips for Fourways Gardens
conducted risk assessments. I was soon promoted to assistant Residential Estate residents?
operations manager. I later got headhunted by a company called 1. Always be aware of your surroundings and check
RSS (which later changed its name to TRSS) as an area manager. I
worked at TRSS for two years as an area manager. if you are being followed when driving home.
2. Report all incidents to the security at Fourways
When 24/7 Security advertised the position of assistant site
manager for Fourways Gardens Estate, I grabbed the opportunity Gardens Estate or 24/7 Security Head Office.
with both hands. I worked as an assistant manager for eight months,
and when the position of site manager became vacant, I showed And when you are not at work?
interest and determination to pursue my goal. I was afforded the I am the father of four children – three boys and a girl, and they keep
opportunity, and I have never looked back. me busy. I enjoy watching soccer and, for relaxation, I read books.
Please report all security-related matters
immediately, without delay.
A delay in reporting = a delay in resolution.
Onsite Control Contact details:
011 465 5466 or
076 200 5280
Fourways Gardens • 2 • November 2022