Page 5 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 5


          Officers of the Month

          Our Officers of the Month are
          Phineas Kgari and Gordon Serai

          On 19 August, there was an
          explosion at the Eskom substation
          on Pine Road. Two special
          operations team members played
          a huge role in getting to the
          substation quickly and provide
          detailed information to the FWG
          Control Room operators, who in
          turn contacted Fire Ops to respond
          to the explosion. The involvement
          of the two officers helped save
          the substation and, as a result, the
          residents in Fourways had minimal
          electricity downtime.

          Thank you, officers, for your
          speedy reaction to the emergency.

                                            Safety tips for parents and children:
                                             •  Eyes always open                o  Use technology, such as tracking apps, to
                                             o  Keep an eye out for loitering strangers   track the movement of your children.
                                              and people acting suspiciously.   o  Ensure that you have the contact details
          24/7 Security Services is          o  Avoid being distracted by your phone   of your children's friends and the friends'
          constantly working on improving     when visiting public spaces.       parents. Often children are reported
                                                                                 as missing when they are in actual fact
          the security at Fourways           •  Avoid danger areas               visiting friends.
          Gardens Estate. Crime is           o  Avoid situations where you can become   •  When things go wrong
                                              separated  from your children or where
          increasing across Gauteng, and      they can disappear in the masses.  o  Teach children that when somebody

          we urge residents to remain alert   o  Teach children to only visit well-protected   follows  them,  tries  to  restrain  them  or
                                                                                 force them into a car, they must run and
                                              and  monitored  areas  where  there  is  a
          as each individual plays a part in   responsible adult nearby.         scream as loud as they can. Dropping to
          combatting crime in the Estate     •  Stay in contact                  the ground and screaming "this is not my
                                                                                 dad," or "this is not my mom" will attract
          and surrounding area.              o  Instruct children to contact you (or   attention from passers-by.
                                              another  adult)  immediately  when
                 o not rely on perimeter security   something goes wrong. Children often try   Holiday Safety
                 alone:  While perimeter security   and resolve situations themselves, which   •  Ensure that, before you leave on holiday
                 measures  have  successfully  could ultimately endanger their lives.  or  anywhere  else,  your  home  is  securely
         Ddriven down crime in estates,      o  Plans change – but be sure to inform each   locked.
          residents need to take precautions in their   other if there are changes in locations,   •  Avoid wearing expensive-looking jewellery
          homes. Once criminals gain access to   times etc.                      when out and about, and please stay off
          properties within estates, they often have                             your cell phone when in a public space – it
          free rein because residents have become   •  Details matter            makes you an easy target for criminals.
          complacent about their home security. Be   o  Children must know their own address,   •  Be  aware  of  your  surroundings  and
          sure to lock doors and windows and ensure   their parents' cell phone numbers and   suspicious people when visiting an ATM or
          vehicles are locked - even when parked in a   other emergency contact numbers. Teach   conducting cash transactions.
          garage. Please do not leave valuables lying   children this from an early age and 'test'   •  When  shopping  or  visiting  a  restaurant,
          around, especially where items may be   them regularly to ensure that the details   keep your handbag close to you and your
          visible to passers-by.              are correct.                       cell phone out of sight.

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 3 • November 2022
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