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SERVICE PROVIDERS DRY FIREWOOD: ‘Razor sharp service’. Email: or
call 082 786 3225.
owner/driver. Personal, reliable transfers to/from ORT from R450 and DSTV DOCTOR: Approved DSTV – all installations, aerials, sales, Wi-Fi
Lanseria from R200. Half and full day tours arranged. All journeys are now Extender/Booster over cat 6E and repairs, Multichoice-accredited
certified carbon neutral. For all your transport or driving requirements, installer. Showmax and Netflix. Call Junior on 078 228 3182/ 074 729 9672,
contact Mike on 072 284 0340, or email: email:, or visit: Address:
Plot 79 Cedar Rd, Chartwell.
ALARM SYSTEMS: Gate and garage motors, garage doors, intercoms, electric
fencing, access control, camera systems, alarm/gate/garage battery DSTV INSTALLATION: Wi-Fi extender, DSTV installation, extra view
replacements. We also supply car and inverter batteries. We specialise and signal issues. Contact Adam on 073 162 4048 / 061 219 5866 /
in all your home and business security requirements. Contact Smart
Sophisticated Solutions on 061 549 8898 or 011 338 6829. ECOMIST INSECT CONTROL: Ecomist is a leading provider of premium quality
APPLIANCES REPAIRS: To all makes and models – AEG, Bosch, Whirlpool, insect, odour and fragrance products and services, for both residential and
Siemens, Samsung, LG, Defy, Kelvinator and Miele, as well as Elba and all gas commercial customers. Our purpose is to create welcoming and healthy
appliances. Contact Gwentech Appliances on 072 952 8183 / 073 947 2447, environments and we do this through the provision of proven products,
or email: Same day service (26 years’ experience). specialised technicians, sound processes and outstanding service. Ecomist
AU PAIR – FUR NANNY: I am a regular sitter in FWG, offering daily walks and is harmless to people and pets. For a full range of fragrances and other
feeds, and can stay-in if required. Reasonable rates and references are exciting products by Ecomist, visit / call 011 450 4472 /
available. Contact the fur kid nanny, Dee Van Heerden, on 083 319 2220 or email:
email: EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS: Safe, odourless, non-staining pest control for
insects and rodents since 1994. Call Vincent on 083 653 4428, or email:
provide you with advice on Labour Issues, Contracts of Employment,
Disciplinary Action, Hearings and the CCMA. Let me assist you with the ELECTRICIAN: Lazis Electrical – Certificates of Compliance, new installations,
necessary knowledge to make the right decisions that fall within labour tripping and fault finding, power failures, geysers, stoves, plugs, lights and
legislation. I have more than 20 years’ experience. Call me, Bradley Ferraris, installation of generators. Call 078 739 6773 / 073 127 3921.
on 082 446 7625.
EQUIPMENT AND TOOL HIRE: Go Hire – Your Fourways tool hire specialists.
B4 ELECTRICAL: 24-hour call out, prompt, efficient and personal service Drilling, compacting, DIY, ladders, gardening, sanding, scaffolding,
offered. Call Peter on 083 452 0635. breaking and all other equipment needs. Call 011 467 9890, or visit us at
BEST PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER: Sali Sali Photography. Based in 6 Granite Road, Fourways.
Fourways. Specialising in wedding, new-born and lifestyle photography. FOR SALE: Baby goods. Chelino car seat R600, Bambino booster seat R200,
We do both, studio and destination wedding photography. Willing to travel Maclaren buggy R500, camp cot R600, folding feeding chair R100 and
all over South Africa and beyond. Many happy families have used Sali Sali change mat R100. Contact Janet on 082 648 1637.
Photography for family, maternity, new-born (styled or lifestyle), wedding, FOURWAYS PLUMBING: Resident plumber for all plumbing requirements,
engagement, corporate photography and cake smash sessions. WhatsApp reasonable rates and same day service. Call 011 705 2145, or Steve on
or Call us today on 083 488 4454. 082 440 5111.
BLINDS AND SHUTTERS: Vertical, block-out, basswood or aluminium
Venetian panel blinds and shutters at competitive prices. Please GATE MOTOR REPAIRS: Alarms, CCTV, gate motors and intercom system
contact Tony on 083 290 1757, email:, or visit repairs and installations. Call the Ninja Office: 084 354 5596, or Quinton on
084 354 5597.
GERT IRRIGATION AND PROJECTS: New installations and repairs. Projects
BUSINESS AND EXECUTIVE COACH: Call Cheryl on 076 979 0604 to arrange include paving, tiling, painting, plumbing, plastering, fishponds,
a COMPLIMENTARY no-obligation coaching session and discover swimming pools, Koi ponds, water features and electrical repairs. Call
how you can achieve your goals – what have you got to lose? Email: Gert on 074 387 5493 / 083 377 8323, or email:
GRAPHIC DESIGNER: In need of a Graphic Designer? I provide professional
CANDICE INTERIORS: Blinds, curtaining, re-upholstery, shutters, interior design solutions for small business owners, making sure their needs and
design, etc. We specialise in creating beautiful, personalised spaces goals are fulfilled with the utmost dedication. Services offered: business
uniquely tailored to your needs. 15 years’ experience. Contact Candice on cards; logo design; brochures; flyer design; party, baby and wedding
082 363 0542. invitations; social media content etc. Contact Lavern on 082 849 3694 or
CARPENTRY SERVICES: Door hanging, kitchen units and cupboards, email:
ceilings and cornices, laminate floors and skirting. All woodwork, HANDYMAN: For all your building requirements done to your satisfaction.
repairs and maintenance. Contact Ozzy on 073 058 0464, or email: Professional, honest and reasonable. Specialising in painting,
waterproofing, damp-proofing, rising damp, rhinoliting, tiling, paving, roof
CARPETS AND FLOORING: Carpets, vinyl planks, laminates, solid and leaks, building, plastering, pool repairs and house renovations. Call Alex on
engineered wood. 40 years in the business, workmanship guaranteed, 073 836 5049 / 071 836 2601. References available in FWG.
all brands, competitive prices. Contact Tony on 083 290 1757, email: HOUSE SITTER: House sitting, pet minding or dog walking. FWG, or visit
resident available immediately and over December Holidays.
CARPET CLEANING: Furnishings and mattresses. MASTERGUARD SPECIALISTS References are available. Contact Ross on 061 501 3372 or email:
(Scotch Guard). We use the latest quick drying Karcher machines. Owner
supervision, competitive rates, locally based. Call or WhatsApp Wyn at ‘JUST HUBBY FOR HIRE: Handyman and welding services. FWG resident. Contact
CLEAN IT’ on 084 052 6400. Juan on 082 936 0700.
CARPET CLEANING: For excellent, honest, carpet cleaning call Buti
(Tshepo Ngomo) on 069 574 2977. INSTACHEF: Provides tasty home cooked frozen meals to store in your
freezer, giving you freshness every day. Meals can be cooked from frozen,
COMPOST/LAWN DRESSING: Available now. No smell, no weeds. Delivery of a very convenient if you have forgotten to plan and you don’t want to order
bakkie load of 2 cubic meters to Fourways for R550.00. To order call Dieneke take-aways. Simply pull them out of your freezer, pop them in the oven
on 083 326 3007 or email: or microwave in their containers, and eat! Delicious, flavoursome and
DAMP-PROOFING/WATERPROOFING/PAINTING: Owner supervision. All work plentiful! Order a box of 10 now for R800.50. Free delivery in Fourways.
guaranteed. Call Richard on 082 352 6382.
IRRIGATION – SOFT RAIN: I have gone solo after 6 years and I have
DRIVER: Elias is available to provide transport in your private car or, by
arrangement, in alternative transport. He can assist on weekends between partners, each with over 12 years’ experience. All sorts of irrigation from
8am and 1pm. Transport to airport, sports events etc. Deliveries and maintenance and repairs to new installations. Call Isaac on 078 658 4371,
collections with a bakkie. Contact Elias on 076 592 8707. Thabiso on 079 946 2906, or email:
IRRIGATION: Irrigation installations and repairs. Boreholes. Water filtration.
DRIVER: Looking for work as a driver, code 8, 40-year-old lady who has Contact Chris on 073 525 4537.
been transporting school learners for the past 10 years. Preferably disabled
kids. The previous child has relocated to the U.K. Contact Phindile on KJL WOOD & ALU: Wooden doors, window frames and decking. Maintenance
065 920 3676, or for a reference call Mr Washington on 011 888 8395. and restoration as well as new installations: doors, window frames,
Fourways Gardens • 40 • November 2022