Page 38 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 38

Today’s Child

                               TAKALANI SESAME

                                          A TRUE SOUTH AFRICAN ICON

               akalani Sesame, the ground-  Berry, the talent who brings Elmo to life,   suit got out of his fancy car and started
               breaking South African children’s   says that this has been a real highlight   gesticulating. He wanted to tell us what a
               programme, has educated and   during his 22 years as part of the show.   huge fan he is, and how the show has had
         Tentertained  children  for more   “In our exciting new season, Elmo gets a   a positive impact on him, and how it had
         than 22 years. Named the Best Children’s   big  feeling  when  he  tries  to  play  Zuzu’s   helped him. What a blessing it is to see that
         Programme at the South African Film and   Adventure game. It’s very powerful to see   we’ve  made  a  real  difference  in  people’s
         Television  Awards  (SAFTA)  2021,  Takalani   Elmo deal with real, big feelings like being   lives.”
         Sesame  promotes  early  childhood  nervous,” Damon enthuses.
         education while supporting South Africa’s                             Tumi  Maratele,  the  voice  of  Zuzu,  once
         mother-tongue based education policy   While Damon says that his Takalani Sesame   found herself seated on a flight next to her
         with television, radio and digital content,   journey started when he was cast as a   character’s ‘greatest fan’. “I was wearing a
         along with community and classroom   character in the show’s very first season,   Zuzu T-shirt, and she asked where I got it
         engagement.                        other puppeteers have fond memories of   from. When I told her I had received it on
                                            watching the characters themselves. Take   set, she told me that Zuzu was her favourite
         TIMELESS APPEAL                    Nozizwe Zulu, the talent behind Kami, for   character – and she couldn’t believe it
         When asked  “What’s your favourite   example: “Of course I watched the show   when I told her that I puppeteer Zuzu! I had
         Takalani Sesame memory?” it’s not only   when I was growing up! Everyone in my   to show her photos of myself with Zuzu, do
         young South Africans who are able to offer   hood  did.”  Nozizwe  isn’t  the  only  person   Zuzu’s giggle, speak in her voice and even
         an answer. Many of their moms and dads   on the team whose life was significantly   sing a song. Needless to say, I ended up
         grew up with the show, singing along with   impacted by the show – it seems that   performing for the whole flight!”
         the  likes  of  Elmo,  Zuzi,  Kami,  Moshe  and   many people the actors meet have a story
         Zikwe every weekday after school.  to tell about their favourite character.  Nyanga  Tshabalala, whose character is
                                                                               Zikwe, says that even if people don’t have
         One of the reasons for the show’s enduring   Damon recalls one of his experiences:   their own stories about watching Takalani
         appeal is its ability to tap into the zeitgeist   “We were once doing a location shoot in   Sesame, they’re inevitably intrigued when
         of the times.  This season’s accent on ‘big   Maboneng.  While I was standing there   they find out he’s a puppeteer. “They always
         emotions’ is a case in point: in fact, Damon   with my character, a businessman in a   want to know how we do it. That tells me

                                                Fourways Gardens • 36 • November 2022
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