Page 36 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 36


                          PATHWAYS TO FLOURISHING

                     St Peter’s Prep Schools Positive Education Conference 2022

                                                      B Y ERIC A F A UL

         Wendy Herschel, Yolandi Sykes, Bonolo Molefe,   Erica Faul and Lauren Creamer  Lesego Ndlovu, Melani Fouche, Tracy Backman,
         Patricia Nkwanyana                                              Catherine Senyakanyaka

           n October, St Peter's Prep hosted   our youth has to be its most damaging   and parents and creating a culture of
           the 2022 Southern African Positive   legacy.  This makes the well-being of our   connection, belonging and well-being
           Education Conference – the title of   pupils more important than ever before.   throughout the school community. Our
        Iwhich was Pathways to Flourishing –   Our programme encompasses a holistic   Value System links closely to the character
         Exploring  Well-being in an Educational   approach.  The lessons are not about   strengths that we will be consciously
         Context. It was an occasion for teachers to   replacing St Peter’s everyday pastoral care,   developing with the children and these
         expand their knowledge and discuss ways   coaching and relationships that teachers   important concepts underpin our  Well-
         in which opportunities to flourish can be   form with their pupils, but rather it aims   being Education curriculum.
         created for the children we teach. The goal   to  introduce  a  scientifically-based  explicit
         is to take well-being, from an internal and   curriculum which has been designed to   #AheadoftheGameBehindEveryChild
         invisible  awareness, and  make it visible   teach pupils key strategies. This learning, in
         and tangible by providing pupils with   turn, provides them with the skills to bolster   For admissions information, please contact
         the practical tools to help them navigate   their long-term well-being, enabling them   our Admissions Officer on 011 705 3423 or
         times of change and challenge. St Peter’s   to flourish and live healthy and fulfilling   email:
         embarked on this exciting journey a few   lives.
         years ago and is continuing to make strides                           For enquiries or more information, visit:
         in this rich space.                The heart of Positive Education for St Peter’s
                                            is based on the analogy of the three-legged   Tel: 011 367 6631
         Of all the heart-breaking effects of   pot – cultivating and strengthening the   105 Witkoppen Road,
         Covid-19, the way in which it has impacted   relationships between pupils, teachers   Paulshof, Johannesburg.

                                                Fourways Gardens • 34 • November 2022
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