Page 32 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
P. 32



                             FOR THE SPORTS FANATIC

                   JB Active is more than just your regular sports store. Here, you will find athletic luxury
                   made to meet your needs, throughout every stage of your fitness and sport journey.

              B Active is a fully-fledged sports   but are not limited to Puma, Under Armour,   take on sport retail – this is a multi-brand
              goods store where experiential retail   Osaka, North Face, New Balance, Nike Court,   sporting goods and apparel store that
              meets technology in sport. At their   IXU, Babolat, Yonex, NPL, Callaway and Reef,   encourages the customer to get fully
         Jone-of-a-kind,  innovative  3  000m²   to name a few.                immersed in their shopping experience.
         sports equipment and apparel flagship                                 Their fully interactive and innovative
         store situated in Fourways Mall, you can   In addition, this new flagship store has   approach to sports retailing supports
         enjoy a multi-brand experience, receive   a variety of in-house services that are   the modern-day athlete as they navigate
         focused and specialised advice, and have   conveniently located under one roof.   their way towards  their destination  of
         access to premium sports equipment and   They include: two golf simulators, a   greatness.
         exceptional service.               putting green, a volumental foot scanner,
                                            a running simulator, a cycling simulator,   “We support a comprehensive list
         JB Active’s extensive brand and product   a cricket simulator, professional tennis   of sporting codes with strong brand
         offering caters to all stages of your sporting   racquet stringing, a full cycling workshop, a   representation, with the view to nurturing
         journey, whether you’re a beginner, elite   recovery zone, and so much more!  player performance, development and
         athlete or a professional.  They host over                            upliftment. We want to build relationships
         250 brands in-store, some of which include   This never-before-seen concept is a fresh   where you start out as a beginner and we

                                                Fourways Gardens • 30 • November 2022
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