Page 30 - FWG_Issue 10_2022
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         November in the Garden                                                to efficient lawn care. While they are more
                                                                               expensive than traditional lawnmowers,
                                                                               this investment is worth it in the long run.

                                                                               2.  Do not be fanatical when cutting your
                                                                               A general rule of thumb for achieving
                                                                               optimal  results  from  mowing,  is  to  never
                                                                               cut off more than one third of the height of
                                                                               your lawn. Shearing a lawn too short results
                                                                               in the root system becoming exposed.
                                                                               Shallow roots are unable to absorb enough
                                                                               water and nutrients, leaving your lawn
                                                                               susceptible to drought, as well as being at
                                                                               the mercy of weeds.

   Image by Hartono Subagio                                                    Remember to apply contour/fine compost
                                                                               3. Mulch/compost regularly
                                                                               in spring. The type and the amount required
                                                                               is dependent on the condition of your soil,
                                                                               as well as the type of grass you’re growing.
                                                                               It’s therefore advisable  to consult a lawn
                                                                               care professional who’ll be able to test your
         FOR THE PLANT ENTHUSIAST           •  Cut  back  old  canes  of  loganberries  and   soil and establish the needs of your lawn.
         •  Fill  gaps  with  flowers  that  will  keep   boysenberries.
          blooming  through  to  autumn.  This   •  Sow  parsley  seeds:  refrigerate  for  a  few   4. Tackle weeds and pests
          includes petunias, dianthus, alyssum,   days first to speed up germination.  Unfortunately, a lush, verdant lawn is at
          cleome,  zinnias,  ageratum,  gaillardia,   •  Nip out the tips of basil for bushier plants.  the mercy of weeds and pests.  The most
          hollyhocks, lobelias, portulacas, salvias,   •  Feed  green  peppers  regularly  and  keep   common pests found in lawns across South
          and verbenas. In semi-shade, try begonias,   them well watered to ensure they will   Africa are white Grub, Mole crickets and
          toneria and coleus.                produce crisp, tasty fruit.       lawn caterpillar, all of which can wreak
         •  Keep deadheading and feeding your roses                            havoc on a lawn in a short space of time.
          to  encourage  new  growth  for  the  next   LAWN CARE TIPS          If you are unsure what pests are plaguing
          flush in January.                 1.  Invest in the right lawnmower  your grass, soak an area with a bucket  of
         •  Plant   out   refrigerated   amaryllis   Have it serviced regularly to avoid the   water mixed with dishwashing liquid. This
          (hypogastrium’s) bulbs now for flowers at   blades becoming blunt and damaging   will draw pests to the surface, enabling
          Christmas as they take about six weeks to   your lawn. Just like our hair requires regular   you to identify the culprits. Once you have
          flower.                           trimming to keep it healthy and boost its   established what type of pest you are
         •  Feed  winter  flowering  hellebores,  winter   growth, so too does your lawn. You’d never   dealing with, consult an expert in lawn care.
          iris, Bergenia’s and indigenous daisies like   cut your hair with a pair of blunt scissors,   They will be able to advise as to the best
          Osteospermum: divide and replant those   and  as  far  as  lawn  care  is  concerned,  the   way to treat the problem, as well as how
          that have outgrown their space. Feed   equivalent is the same. Blunt blades end up   best to avoid re-infestation.
          summer bulbs, liked cannas, agapanthus,   bruising the individual leaves of the grass,
          day and Inca lilies and dahlias regularly.  resulting in ‘split-ends’. If you have invested   5.  Use lawn cuttings as food for your
         •  Trim  topiary  trees  and  hedges  that  have   a substantial amount of time and money   garden
          had a spring growth spurt.        in getting your lawn ready for summer, it   Lawn clippings make excellent mulch for
         •  Remove  the  shoots  of  the  variegated   makes sense to ensure that you have the   roses, as well as a great base for compost.
          shrubs that have reverted to green foliage.  right lawnmower too. A cylinder mower   Re-using cuttings is an economical and
                                            is highly recommended. Used on cricket   natural way of feeding your garden, so
         FOR THE KITCHEN GARDEN             pitches, bowling greens and golf courses,   make sure you collect the cuttings and add
         •  Mulch strawberries with straw.  cylinder mowers are far more conducive   them to your compost heap.

              To purchase natural gardening products, or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
              Tel: 011 464 5088 or Mobile: 073 935 9754. Alternatively, email:, or visit
                                        Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot. 2187.

                                                Fourways Gardens • 28 • November 2022
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