Page 11 - FWG Issue 3_April_2022
P. 11

                                                                                & People

                                                               SOLD IN 1 DAY OF LISTING!

                                                               GROW TH IN DEMAND FOR PROPER TIE S IN OUR AREA S

                  Judith    082 448 1831                       UNDER OFFER      For sale R4,195,000.00  For sale R4,200,000.00
                  Justin    082 338 7642                       There has definitely been an uptick of movement
                 Tristan    071 605 8867                       in the  areas  of Dainfer n  and  Fourways  Gardens.  Buyers are still very bullish on prices but,
        450 Es’kia Mphahlele Dr & Bloed Str, Pretoria West, Pretoria
                                                               property is really moving quite quickly now, if the
                                                               price is right. There is definitely opportunity once
                                                               again for investors. Our rental demand is equally
                                                               matching our sales demand. Rental homes are
                                                               going quickly as many folk sell and go into rental
                                                               properties. They do not wish to leave the area and
                                                               are either waiting to move elsewhere or, move
                                                               within the estates. In my opinion an investor who
                                                               buys  a property,  does  some nice  renovation  work
                                                               and then rents it out, will secure a rental easily.
                                                               The other opportunity is buying and flipping. We
                                                               have not felt confident about this for some time
                                                               but, now seems to be a good time to do this.
                                                               There are enough  buyers around to sell a neat
                                                               beautiful home to. What  does all this  activity
                                                               mean? Well, we can only hope and pray that the
                                                               demand starts to exceed the supply and that we
                                                               see property prices increase in the area. This is
                                                               very long overdue as we have seen very static
                                                               prices for an extended period  of time. It is
                                                               heartening to see the amount of young buyers
                                                               coming into the area as well, and so the chain

                                                                       Gaye            CHLOË            Sue
                                                                   083 601 1593    082 501 8800    082 452 0086
                                                                      Sales Agent    Candidate Agent  Rentals Agent
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