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Book Reviews

             FOUR BOOKS TO GET YOU


                               B Y MICHELLE L R A YMOND

               here is something undeniably   inevitable  to what is  now  possible. It is
               refreshing about getting a new   almost as if a new lease on life occurs.
               perspective, especially when the   There is great freedom that comes from
         Taccepted one is outdated and      challenging current ways of thinking – not
         ineffective.                       just for the sake of it, but in the quest to
            Holding onto old ways of thinking and   create value, sustainability and inclusiveness.
         beliefs can become tedious. Often, this is   If you, like me, have a strong desire to learn,
         only realised in hindsight, looking back   unlearn and relearn to create a better world,
         and contrasting what was right, true and   these four books are a must!  THE INVISIBLE GORILLA
                                                                                  Written  by  two   experimental
                                                                                  psychologists, this book describes the
                                   THE FIFTH DISCIPLINE                           most common yet unbelievable tricks
                                   There are usually two reactions to the mention of this   the brain and intuition can play and
                                   book. One is absolute reverence by those who love it   how that shapes reality. It also poses
                                   and use it as a handbook for business and leadership,   some interesting questions for the
                                   and the other is exasperation.  This book is an old   justice system – what is the truth if
                                   favourite for the MBA syllabus.  The content seems   two people can hold opposing views
                                   to go against the grain of standard ‘industrial aged’   on the same observed incident?
                                   thinking. Love it or loathe it, it is well worth the read.  This book makes us smarter by reminding
                                      Written by Peter Senge back in 1990, his work   us just how little we know – Time Magazine.
                                   still makes waves today. He is an American scientist,
                                   teacher and director of the Center for Organizational
                                   Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
                                      If you feel, like many do now, that the current way
                                   of working with command-and-control hierarchical
                                   management structures in business and schools
                                   requires change, then this book is the answer to that

                                   A high school teacher once said that science and art do
                                   not belong together. This was his justification for why
                                   a student could not combine the two when selecting
                                   subjects in her early high school years. Enter the lab of
                                   misfits. A genius experiment started by the author, Beau
                                   Lotto brought artists, dancers, children, mathematicians,
                                   investors and neuroscientists together to collaborate,
                                   innovate and develop ideas and prototypes. This book
                                   is one of the products of this exercise.    TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE
                                      There is so much to gain from this book. The biggest   Not the typical business book one might
                                   is self-discovery through understanding how the brain   consider,  Tuesdays  with  Morrie is filled
                                   functions.                                  with everyday wisdom. It tells the story of
                                                                               an egocentric man and his enlightening
                                                                               conversations  about life,  death, love  and
                                                                               success with his old and dying college
                                                                               professor.  This book is a reminder to see
            I would love to hear your recommendations! I believe learning is a collaborative   beyond daily grinds and the demands
            and community effort. Drop me an email with your best reads that have changed   of life. It challenges the status quo and
            the way you think.                                                 social norms and offers an opportunity to
            May your learning be a lifelong love.                              reconsider what is really important in life.
                                                                                  It is one of those books that deserves a
                                                                               second, third and even fourth read.

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 16 • July 2022
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