Page 26 - FWG Issue 1 February 2023
P. 26


           A time for making improvements

         February is one of the hottest months of the year. It can also be very
         windy, with lots of thunderstorms. Rain quickly leaches nutrients out
         of the soil, so it’s recommended that you fertilise your beds regularly
         with a balanced, organic fertiliser.

           t is too late to sow most summer   Finish  purchasing  and  planting  bare-root
           seedlings, but you can still plant instant   fruit trees, berries, grapes, kiwis and roses.
           colour seedlings and fast-maturing   Most of these are high water-use plants, so
        Ivarieties.                         create a zone just for these types – preferably
                                            a small zone compared to the large zones of
         Pull out the old flowering stems of Inca lilies   moderate, low and very low water use.
         with a firm tug. If the plants have stopped
         flowering, you can dig up some roots and   Dig a hole twice as wide, but just as deep
         new shoots and replant them in other parts   as the root ball. Plant high, even with the
         of the garden to spread the flowering cheer   crown an inch or more above the soil level.
         of these easy-to-grow perennials.  Water to settle the soil, then add a thick layer
                                            of contour organic mulch to retain moisture   GARDENER OF
         Even  with the  warm  sun and  soil, there   and protect the crown and roots.  THE MONTH
         are a few things to do to stay active in the
         garden. I love working out in the garden in   Roses                      Tebogo Letsoalo is our gardener of
         February. The hills are green, and bundled   Preventive  spraying  of  roses  is  the  best   the month. He helped to clean up
         up, I’m ready to spend several hours in the   control method for pests and diseases.   the substation that burnt down and
         garden pruning, planting, mulching and   During wet weather, the plants are   worked every day over Christmas
         making more improvements.          susceptible  to  Black  Spot  and  in  hot,  dry   and the New  Year period to keep
                                            weather they can be plagued by red spiders,   the estate neat and clean.
                                            so keep a lookout for these.                   Well done, Tebogo!

                                            Continue to fertilise regularly and prune
                                            lightly if necessary to remove any weak or   healthy, especially in air-conditioned homes
                                            spindly growth, but remember: roses need   and offices where the air tends to be dry.
                                            plenty of healthy leaves to protect them   Occasionally, place them outside in a shady
                                            from the fierce summer sun.        spot and hose the leaves down gently with
                                                                               water. Or, even better, put them outside
                                            Lily borer caterpillars            when it is raining gently.
                                            Check for lily borer  caterpillars, which
                                            attack the bulbs and leaves of many plants   Vegetable garden
                                            like amaryllis, agapanthus, crinum, nerine,   Sow dwarf beans, beetroot, broccoli,
                                            clivias, and  cyrtanthus elatus (George lily).   cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, lettuce,
                                            Spray regularly with Margaret Roberts   leeks, radishes, rocket, spinach, Swiss chard,
                                            Biological Caterpillar insecticide.  Brussels  sprout,  celery,  eggplant,  peas,
                                                                               potatoes and pumpkin.
                                            Indoor pot plants
                                            Mist spray your indoor pot plants regularly   Most herbs are looking their best now, so
                                            with water. This will keep them clean and   increase your stock and variety.

                                                   To purchase natural gardening products, or for more information
                                                   about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on 073 935 9754.
                                                          Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot. 2187.
              Photo by Anna Pavlin
                                                 Fourways Gardens • 24 • February 2023
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