Page 31 - Fourways Gardens Issue 11 December 2023
P. 31
December in the garden
Photo by Annie Gavin
sually by December, your garden need for watering, etc. This also helps control
will be in full glorious bloom. weeds because it cuts out light to the soil’s
Here are some tips to help keep surface, inhibiting seed germination.
Uyour garden looking at its best.
Pinch out dead flowers from annuals and
Garden moisture: With the heat fertilize with an organic 3:1:5 or a liquid
accompanying December, the most fertilizer. Fill gaps in beds and hanging
important task is ensuring that your baskets with annuals and water very well.
garden is getting enough moisture. If Annuals in colour bags are the perfect way
Mother Nature is not supplying you with to quickly spruce up your beds in time for
enough water (rain), you will have to do it Christmas entertainment. In shady areas
yourself. Water your plants in the garden and patios, add a dash of colour with GARDENER
with a sprinkler for about 40 minutes Impatiens, New Guinea Impatiens, Coleus,
every 3-4 days. Do not water every day. Begonias, and Hypoestes. The choice for OF THE MONTH
The roots need to be in moist soil, but the sunny areas is more varied – choose your
bulbs above them want to dry out slightly favourite from Dianthus, Lobelias, Petunias, We are pleased to announce
between watering. As pot soil dries out Salvias, Celosias, Marigolds, Gazanias, Thomas Mufamadi as the Gardener
quicker, water bulbs in pots every two days. Zinnias, Alyssum, and many more. of the Month.
Protection: When it comes to protecting Holiday getaway checklist Thomas is the brush cutter operator
your garden, contour compost is the Going away this month. Here are some who cleaned up the Phase 1 dam
gardener’s first line of defense. Contour strategies for helping your garden survive reeds and treated the Celtis Africana
compost keeps the soil cool, combats the holidays: trees in the estate. He is an excellent
evaporation, and protects tender new • Move plants in pots and hanging baskets brush cutter operator and is always
roots, promoting healthier plants. out of direct sun. willing to help with anything in
• Mow your lawn and water it well. Postpone the gardens in Fourways Gardens
Contour Compost: This product has bark feeding your lawn until you return. Estate.
chips that reduce reflected light. This, in • Mulch flowerbeds.
turn, reduces ambient temperature, limiting • Pack all gardening tools and outdoor Well done, Thomas!
moisture loss through transpiration and the furniture in a safe location.
To purchase natural gardening products, or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
tel: 011 464 5088 or cell: 073 935 9754. Alternatively, email or visit
Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot
Fourways Gardens • 29 • December 2023