Page 24 - FWG July Issue 2023
P. 24


                                    INSTALLING SOLAR?

                     How to choose the right installer and insure your new asset

                    ith relentless load shedding   Home solar systems offer several benefits,   taking reasonable precautions – which is a
                    and increasing electricity   including  consistent  power  supply,  long-  requirement on your insurance policy.
                    costs, people have become   term electricity cost reduction, and a
         Wever           more   despondent.  reduced carbon footprint. Additionally,   To ensure a safe and reliable solar
         But there’s a small light at the end of the   installing solar panels can increase the   installation, Olyott advises homeowners to
         country’s energy crisis tunnel – solar (at   resale value of a property by between 4%   take the following steps:
         least, for those who can afford it).  and 8%.
                                                                               •  Use   licensed/accredited   suppliers
         Motivated by a global drive towards   To further incentivise solar adoption,   and contractors for the purchase and
         renewable energy and with a local electricity   Finance  Minister    Enoch  Godongwana   installation of solar power systems.
         supply that is unreliable and increasingly   announced a 25% tax rebate on the cost   •  Only  allow  certified  electricians  to  work
         expensive,  many  residents  are  joining  the   of  new  PV  rooftop  solar  panels,  up  to  a   on the electrical system of your home,
         energy revolution and switching to the sun.  maximum of R15 000, available for one year   especially when connecting external
                                            from 1 March 2023 to 29 February 2024.  systems and devices to your primary
         “The cost of embracing solar energy was                                circuits.
         prohibitive a decade ago.  However, the   While embracing solar energy presents   •  Ensure that the appointed contractors have
         steady drop in solar panel prices has   numerous  advantages,  improper  undertaken an evaluation of the suitability
         resulted  in  the  current  boom  in  home   installation can lead to significant risks,   of the roof to carry the additional weight
         solar  photovoltaic  (PV)  roof  installations,”   including fire hazards and potential   of the solar system being installed.
         says Peter Olyott, CEO of financial services   insurance claim repudiation. Indwe has   •  Verify that appointed contractors provide
         provider Indwe Risk Services (Indwe).   observed an increase in fire and explosion   proof of contractor’s liability insurance,
                                            claims, mainly due to the use of unlicensed   with a recommended minimum cover
         “While solar power has emerged as a viable   installers.  The result is incorrect and   limit of R10 million.
         solution for those seeking reliable and cost-  dangerous installations, use of poor-quality   •  Keep  all  relevant  documents,  including
         effective energy alternatives, we urge all   materials, and unsafe storage of lithium-ion   warranty documents, original purchase
         homeowners to choose reputable installers   batteries used with inverters.  invoices, and signed contracts.
         who adhere to industry regulations and                                •  Obtain a Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
         ensure proper insurance coverage for the   It  is vital that  you are  aware  of the  risks   and ensure  compliance with  the latest
         safety and protection of your property,” says   that come with installing alternative   edition of SANS, as these will be requested
         Olyott.                            power supplies, and of the importance of   during the claims process.

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 22 • July 2023
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