Page 26 - FWG July Issue 2023
P. 26
Today’s Child
Toddlers can be a force to be
reckoned with. Every meltdown,
refusal to share and tantrum
may be trying and even
embarrassing for a parent, but it
is important to remember that
this behaviour is developmentally
normal at this age.
hese little ones are egocentric and foundation of creating and sustaining
find it hard to think outside of their interpersonal relationships and of
own viewpoints because there is, developing friendships. It also helps to
Tas yet, no differentiation between create a social standard.
aspects of themselves and others. They are
not yet capable of thinking logically. They You may not realise it, but learning
believe that everyone has the same desires to share teaches children a variety of
and thoughts as they do and that everyone social skills – taking turns, collaborating,
sees, hears and feels exactly as they do. cooperating and negotiating. In addition,
children learn that giving rather than
This egocentricity is common between the taking, and being kind to another person,
ages of two and seven. That’s because a can be equally rewarding.
toddler’s pre-frontal cortex, which manages
skills such as self-control, planning and Teaching sharing
controlling, is still developing, making The best space to teach a toddler to share
it hard for the child to share and control is through play. It is a gradual process
their impulses and make rational decisions. requiring practice, just like learning to
Please understand that your toddler is not walk and talk does.
being selfish. It is simply a developmental
phase where they think they are in control, Here are some tips on teaching your child
and it takes patience to teach them to share the skill of sharing:
and take turns. • Encourage taking turns: This back-and-
forth communication is a vital skill and is
Learning to share is an important easy for children to grasp.
milestone • Help them wait: Explain that when the
Learning to share is a fundamental other child is finished playing, they will
Fourways Gardens • 24 • July 2023 Photo by Alexandr Podvalny