Page 10 - Fourways Gardens August Issue 2023
P. 10
Tuesday 18 July
hile there is always a need for
goodwill and charity in our
country, Fourways Gardens
Wmade a concerted effort to
participate in the Mandela Day initiative.
This year, we packed 250 Jars of Hope – a
container with rice, lentils, soup mix, soup
powder and a stock cube. Each jar can
feed four to five people. This was made
possible by a Tyson Properties sponsorship
and monetary donations by the Fourways
Gardens community.
On the afternoon of 18 July, our volunteers –
from the estate and the sponsors – donned
plastic aprons, hairnets and gloves, and got
stuck into the packing. It turns out that we
were far too efficient and well prepared, and
all the jars were packed within 90 minutes!
Several residents also got involved by
coming past the HOA office and dropping
off non-perishables. The combined
donations towards the Jars of Hope and
the non-perishables will go a long way in
feeding families who feel the chill of winter
more than us.
Packman Packaging also donated 1 000
tubes of Eezy Squeezy Peanut Butter
and two varieties of Jams – this will be so
appreciated by the recipients! Our thanks go to the sponsors (Tyson Properties
All the donated non-perishables and and residents), Packman Packaging and all who
packed jars will be taken to The Green Door donated non-perishables to this initiative – we
Shelter for Abused Women and Children
in Diepsloot. Brown Lekelela runs this could not have done it without you!
respected NPO and he often steps up to
help those most in need in the community.
Fourways Gardens • 8 • August 2023