Page 13 - Fourways Gardens August Issue 2023
P. 13

Estate News

          City Parks assisted with the removal of alien   fencing was replaced by Fourways Gardens   actions.  In conjunction with EcoSolutions,
          vegetation, reeds in the overgrown dam   Estate  and  the  maintenance  team.    This   several successful release programmes
          and clearing of the area.  In addition, the   ensured that the new camps allowed all   have seen barn owls, spotted eagle owls
          dam was drained, cleaned and resurfaced.     three breeds access to the dam for fresh   and a black-shouldered hawk released
          A new design of indigenous grasses and   water.  The new camp design also allows   in the estate.  Most of these birds have
          plants was introduced to the lookout areas   avid  bird watchers  to see  all three  camps   remained in the estate due to the beautiful
          to create a neat but still natural look that is   and  the release  pen  from the  bird hide.     large trees and the continuous addition of
          native to our area.  Berms were formed to   The Fourways Gardens maintenance team   new trees to this “urban forest”.
          prevent flood damage and ground erosion   renovated the hide with new steps, signage
          during heavy summer storms and slopes   and improved pathways, so residents can   We have seen first-hand how effective
          were introduced to ensure tortoises and   now enjoy the best the area has to offer.  municipal  and  private  joint  operations
          smaller animals could drink from the dam.                             can be and we thank the team from City
          The Fourways Gardens Estate Gardening   The most recent release from our pen   Parks for their  contribution  and  shared
          team, Turfnet, ensured that all levels were   was  three  barn  owls.    Regular  releases   knowledge during this project.  A special
          perfect and that each plant was in exactly   are arranged from the area and the   thanks to Phillip Mkhombo and Rudy de
          the right place.                   community is involved in the process. It is   Vente for the dedication they’ve shown in
                                             a perfect opportunity to educate interested   the planning, design and execution of the
          With the three crane breeds (that do not   residents about the benefits of birds of prey   Nature Reserve upgrade.  This is a unique
          always enjoy one another’s company)   in our area and the many dangers they   asset that makes Fourways Gardens Estate
          situated in the area, the dilapidated camp   face through poisoning and other human   one of a kind in Johannesburg!

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 11 • August 2023
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