Page 25 - Fourways Gardens Issue 9 October 2023
P. 25

Estate News

          Thanks to the knowledgeable team for   hole (it allows for better root growth).   tortoises in the veld and to see our cranes
          your input and inspiration.        They also spoke about the importance   in their natural environment rather than
                                             of fertilising the soil well when planting.   see them from behind a fence. Dassies,
          Dr Joseph Ndou from City Parks also   The children loved taking turns helping   bugs, birds and many other species were
          joined us for the morning. He taught the   to plant the tree and were impressed with   also identified on the walk.
          children about the importance of trees   the “golden spades” that Rudy provided.
          and even helped them plant one in Phase                               We look forward to hosting another day
          1 Park. Sean James and his team from   Adults participated in a fun walk in the   of teaching our kids about the value
          Turfnet prepared the hole and explained   Nature Reserve, which isn’t usually open   of nature and the part they can play in
          why a tree should be planted in a square   to residents. They were excited to discover   preserving it for future generations.

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 23 • October 2023
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