Page 22 - Fourways Gardens Issue 9 October 2023
P. 22
Estate News
he Classics Club, for the over 60-year-olds,
meets on the first Friday of each month
in our estate. The September brunch
Tmeeting showed that these meetings are
gathering steam as many more people attended.
The club is all about getting mature folk out to
meet new people and form lasting friendships.
Our restaurant served a top-class buffet breakfast
of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, grilled tomatoes
and mushrooms along with various breads and
jams. The meal went down well and, as always,
Francesca Beattie Properties sponsored the yummy
Amid the chatting and laughter, there was a lucky dip. The prize, a lovely
bouquet of fresh flowers, was won by Beula Pettit. Aldine Dallas presented
a talk which tugged the heartstrings and made us all realise that each of
us has our challenges – and we can overcome them.
Thank you to Lorna for organising
this regular event. You can call her on
082 659 1048. Lorna is offering members
a new service: should anyone want to
attend a ballet performance, a concert or
a movie, and they have no one to go with,
simply call her and she will organise.
Fourways Gardens • 20 • October 2023