Page 4 - Fourways Gardens Issue 9 October 2023
P. 4

Estate News


         Dear Residents,

                 ur nation’s great cultural wealth                             season  ahead must please  note  that
                 and diversity was celebrated                                  it  is important to  refer to  the  estate’s
                 on Heritage Day – Sunday,                                     Architectural Guidelines.  These guidelines
        O24          September.  We  know                                      are not overly prescriptive and they allow
         that many residents made the most of                                  for a fairly broad range of personal choice
         the long weekend. Our  community is                                   in the external appearance of individual
         particularly engaging and we are proud                                houses, while  still embracing  the overall
         of the many forms this takes, be it people                            character of Fourways Gardens Estate.
         getting  involved  in  feeding  schemes                               Abiding  by  the  regulations  contributes
         and fundraisers or people supporting                                  meaningfully to our shared objective
         educational programmes and collection                                 of ensuring long-term property value
         drives. It’s clear that Fourways Gardens                              increases for homeowners and neighbours.
         residents truly care about their community
         and about people.                                                     As the installation of solar panels,
                                                                               generators and JoJo tanks has become
         September also saw our second Movie                                   necessary,  the estate  has worked to
         Night of the year. With the perfect weather                           keep you apprised of regulated changes
         and a generator at the ready, many newer                              and we  have updated the  Architectural
         residents of Fourways Gardens experienced   Charlene Marlin, Estate Manager  Guidelines accordingly. Should residents
         the welcoming and spirited community                                  have  any  questions  regarding  property
         that we enjoy! The HOA team is constantly                             changes or improvements, please contact
         looking for fresh ways to foster the                         for assistance.
         Fourways Gardens community lifestyle, so   of water restrictions, gardens may not
         look out for more exciting events.  be watered after 6am or before 6pm in   It’s October, and as the movie lyric
                                            the evening and drinking water may   goes, there’s something strange in the
         Our Community Library  is a perfect   not be used for cleaning driveways. As a   neighbourhood… Halloween and Trick-or-
         way to counter load-shedding blues (or   community, let’s support efforts to ensure   Treat! This is one of the biggest events on
         insufficient data)!  The library is located   a reliable water supply.  our annual calendar and we can’t wait to
         at the clubhouse entrance and the book                                see all your spooky and spectacular ideas
         selection is swopped out regularly. Our   Something we can all do is to include more   on Saturday, 28 October!
         many avid readers donate books regularly   indigenous plants in our gardens – these
         to keep the selection interesting, so you’re   are usually water-wise and an added benefit   With less than three months to go before
         bound to find something that interests you.  is  that  they  create  habitats  that  attract   Christmas, we are also planning our festive
                                            local wildlife such as birds and butterflies.   season events.  The Festive Market is
         With the warmer weather, we swop our   With careful thought and planning, it is   scheduled for Saturday, 11 November and
         indoor focus for the outdoors: our devoted   possible to ensure that streetscapes are   our Children’s Christmas  Party and  Carols
         and enthusiastic gardeners have been   harmonious, attractive and resilient.  This   is set to take place on 25 November. Save
         busy preparing their summer gardens. An   has an immense impact on the aesthetic   these  dates. We  look  forward  to  enjoying
         unfortunate reality of a new season and of   appeal of a property.    these events with you!
         climate change is the annual constraints
         on water supplies. Please remember that   Talking about aesthetic appeal, residents
         Johannesburg  Water has implemented   planning property improvements or  Charlene Marlin
         Level  1 water  restrictions  – at  this level   maintenance in preparation for the rainy   Estate Manager

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 2 • October 2023
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