Page 30 - FWG Issue 1 February 2024
P. 30
n the bustling streets of imagination skills. For infants and toddlers, choose Cultivating Young Minds: Books
and the quiet corners of learning, books that are interactive, colourful, and for Preschool to Elementary School
books offer a unique gateway to full of simple yet engaging stories. Children, Ages 4-8
Iworlds unknown and knowledge At this stage, children start to perceive
unbound. For children, the journey into Here are five excellent starters: books as gateways to vast, imaginative
reading is not just about learning to • “Where’s Spot?” by Eric Hill – A playful, worlds. They begin to understand narratives
decode words; it’s about sparking a flame lift-the-flap book perfect for interactive and develop personal preferences. Books
of curiosity, imagination, and a lifelong reading. should be engaging, with a mix of vibrant
love for literature. This guide aims to assist • “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle illustrations and text that challenges
parents in navigating this journey, from – A classic, teaching counting and the days yet does not overwhelm. Here are five
the babbling of babies to the thoughtful of the week with beautiful illustrations. recommended reads:
musings of young adults. • “Peek-A Who?” by Nina Laden – An • “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson – A
entertaining, guessing game book with captivating tale with rhythmic text and
The Bedrock of Early Literacy vibrant pictures. enchanting illustrations.
From the very first coo, a child’s experience • “Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell – A delightful, • “Matilda” by Roald Dahl – A story of a
with books is less about reading words lift-the-flap adventure featuring different young, brilliant girl with a love for books,
and more about discovering stories animals. inspiring for young readers.
through pictures, textures, and sounds. • “That’s Not My Puppy” by Fiona Watt and • “Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White – A
This early exposure lays the foundation Rachel Wells – A touch-and-feel book with heartwarming story of friendship and life’s
for language development and cognitive various textures to explore. lessons.
Fourways Gardens • 28 • February 2024