Page 33 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 33

Animals Matter


                                                                                Murphy stayed at the vet, on a drip, for at
                                                                                least five days and eventually, I was able to
                                                                                bring him home. Although I was blessed
                                                                                to have had him for a few more years, he
                                                                                never fully recovered and developed heart

                                                                                If you don’t know which plants are toxic,
                                                                                it may be worth growing grass or certain
                                                                                herbs,  (mint) in  an  indoor pot  for your
                                                                                cat to eat. Summer means lawn dressing,
                                                                                pesticides  and chemicals  in our gardens.
                                                                                These are all toxic to cats. As most cat
                                                                                owners know, catnip in a pot or sprinkled
                                                                                on the floor can seriously get a cat going
                                                                                from 0 – 100 in a few seconds. They get as
                                                                                high as a kite and love it, but, if your cat
                                                                                doesn’t respond to catnip, it’s because he
                                                                                simply  doesn’t carry the gene  to react to
                                                                                it.  It’s  genetically  predisposed  so  it’s  not
                                                                                the quality of your catnip! Summer means
                                                                                beautiful flowers, let’s make sure they’re
                                                                                not toxic to our companion animals.

                                                                                For ease of reference – the list of toxic
                                                                                plants to dogs and cats can be found on the

                 ow that we have entered the   panting and vomiting and immediately
                 summer season and have      rushed him to the vet. They believed he
                 begun enjoying the sunny    had been poisoned and wondered if he
         Ndays,  we  may  notice  our feline   had eaten something toxic. I searched
          companions  either  eating  indoor  plants   the house, the garden and places where
          or grass outside. In the old days, people   I thought I may find what had poisoned
          believed that this was to make them   him. I did a lot of research and eventually
          bring up something unpleasant that they   found what I was looking for.  To my
          had eaten. Most cats enjoy eating plants   horror, I had inadvertently poisoned my
          but whether it is to provide roughage or   cat by having lilies on the table where he
          whether they just like the taste of it is still   ate. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the
          a mystery. It is normal cat behaviour and,   whole lily is highly toxic to cats, including
          as responsible owners, it is up to us to   the leaves, pollen, flowers and even the
          be mindful of which plants they can and   water in the vase. Some pollen must have
          cannot eat.                        fallen where Murphy had walked towards
                                             his food, and he must have licked it off
          Decades ago, I had a beautiful alley cat   whilst grooming. He went into kidney
          named Murphy. I came home to find him   failure in a matter of hours.

                                  Jeanette Furstenburg is a certified animal behaviourist. She holds a diploma in Companion Animal
                                  Behaviour (DipCABT) with distinction. She is a member of the COAPE Endorsed Association of Applied
                                  Pet Behaviourists and Trainers International (CABTi), which is a member of the UK Dog Behaviour &
                                  Training Charter 2024. She is part of the International Companion Animal Network (ICAN). In addition,
                                  she is a member of the South African Board for Companion Animal Professionals (SABCAP).

                                  For more information, call 082 445 8422,
                                  email: or visit:

                                                 Fourways Gardens • 31 • November 2024
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