Page 36 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 36
At St Peter’s Prep, education is teachers who go on to inspire others; children from Grades 0 to 3 to improve
essential, and we are committed ultimately having a positive impact on their reading skills through targeted
education in South Africa. The focused
literacy intervention. Our St Peter’s
to giving back through education. programme offers four years of academic pupils, parents, staff and interns visit
Our Intern Programme empowers study, hands-on classroom experience, Sefikeng weekly to read with the children.
personal mentoring and support, and
Monitoring reading levels annually has
aspiring teachers, our Bursary an opportunity to give back to other demonstrated our success in making a
Programme supports pupils from communities and gain experience in positive impact while our St Peter’s pupils
experience the joy of helping others.
varied teaching environments.
lower-income families, and our
Community Service enhances Since 2015, we have graduated 41 quality • The St Peter’s Foundation:
teachers, who continue to make a difference
St Peter’s Prep Schools established its
literacy and learning. Together, in the education system, positively impacting Foundation to sustain and advance
we are creating opportunities and the lives of their pupils. This year, we have its beliefs, and it was registered as a
public benefit organisation in 1996. The
25 interns in our programme.
transforming lives! Foundation operates as a Trust and is
• Bursary Programme: Supporting managed by an independent Board of
educational equity Trustees.
t Peter’s Prep is a school of heart, and The programme offers financial,
we are dedicated to serving others emotional and social support to high- The St Peter’s Foundation understands
with our resources, knowledge and potential children who cannot afford that the school’s long-term sustainability
Seducational experience. the full cost of education. This assistance depends on the sustainability of the
ensures pupils from lower-income country, its communities and the teaching
Today’s South African educational families have access to quality education profession. It is the recipient of all donor
system faces many challenges, and and personal and academic growth and funding for the school’s initiatives.
we acknowledge how critical it is to development opportunities.
address these problems. As a privileged With the St Peter’s Foundation, our
independent school, we recognise our Since the Bursary Programme began in commitment to giving back is at the
unique position and are committed the 1990s, over 50 children have had the heart of everything we do. We believe
to programmes that positively impact opportunity to be educated at our school. that through education, we can uplift
education in our country. This journey has changed their lives, our communities and create lasting
enabling them to pursue their dreams. change. As we continue to empower
St Peter’s Prep is invested in: future teachers, support pupils in
• Intern Programme: Empowering the • Community Service Programme: need and foster partnerships with
To find out more, visit our website: next generation of teachers Promoting lifelong learning communities around us, we invite you to Our school is passionately involved 78% of Grade 4 learners in South Africa join us in this mission. Together, we can
in the Foundation’s unique Intern cannot read for meaning in any language. have a significant impact and ensure
Programme, providing opportunities for Through our Literacy programme at that every child has the opportunity to
the youth and producing inspired, quality Sefikeng Primary School, we have helped receive an education.
To find out more, visit our website:
Fourways Gardens • 34 • November 2024