Page 40 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 40

Today’s Child



                 rade 11 and matric are stressful   “First of all, do not take it personally or view   whether they will achieve the necessary
                 years  for pupils  and parents   it as a failure. Of course, it is frustrating not   results to secure a place at a university.”
                 alike.  The anxiety can be   to be able to cross this item off your to-do-
        Goverwhelming not only because      list, especially if you have worked very hard   She urges parents and students to
         of the pressure to perform well during   and were not accepted while many of your   remember  that there  are many pathways
         exams and assessments, but also because   peers have already received offers. But see   to success and that a university or college
         of the complexities and uncertainties   this as a temporary hurdle rather than a   acceptance is not the only – or even the
         brought about when applying for university   permanent roadblock.”    best – route to a fulfilling and successful
         placement.                                                            career. Consider the following alternatives:
                                            South Africa has 26 public universities and
         Besides the stressful and exhausting   they only accept about 210 000 first-year   •  Technical and vocational training
         application process students have to make   students  annually.  This  is  the  reality,  and   colleges
         to  various  universities  involving  different   so families worry about what will happen if   Vocational training programmes and
         qualifications, many students have to   the matric pupil’s plans to attend a public   technical  colleges  offer  specialised
         endure the disappointment of not being   university unfold differently from what they   education in various fields such as
         placed in the universities they applied to.   expected.               engineering,  healthcare,  information
         They then have to decide on the next step.                            technology and the arts. These institutions
                                            “The reality of the admissions process is that   often  have  more  flexible  admission
         “Thousands  of  prospective  students  only a small number of students will receive   requirements and provide practical, hands-
         throughout South Africa are now facing this   an acceptance letter from  their preferred   on experience that can lead directly to
         situation,” says Dr Linda  Meyer, managing   institution for their preferred degree,” says   employment.
         director of IIE Rosebank College. “While it   Dr Meyer. “The competition is intense, with
         feels like an intractable problem for pupils   thousands of matric students vying for a   •  Distance learning and online education
         and their families, it is important to put the   limited number of spots. It’s natural for   Distance learning and online education
         matter into perspective.           parents and students to feel anxious about   have become increasingly popular and

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