Page 41 - FWG Issue 10 November 2024
P. 41

Today’s Child

          accessible.  These  programmes  offer  “By exploring alternative education options, managing stress
          flexibility  for  students  to  learn  at  their
          own  pace  and  often  at  a  lower  cost  than   effectively and keeping an open mind, students can find
          traditional universities. Many reputable   fulfilling and rewarding career opportunities regardless of the
          institutions offer accredited online courses
          and degrees.                        outcome of their university applications.

          •  Bridging courses and foundation   •  Private higher education institutions
          programmes                          The only significant difference between   Dr Meyer concludes:  “Starting from
          For students who may need to meet the   a registered and accredited private   Grade 11, the period leading up to and
          direct entry requirements for university,   higher  education  institution  (PHEI)  and   following matric exams is undoubtedly
          bridging  courses  and  foundation  a public university is that the former is   challenging for students and parents.
          programmes are an excellent option.   not government funded. PHEIs remain a   The uncertainty surrounding university
          These programmes are designed to help   valuable alternative to studying at a public   admissions adds to the stress, but it’s
          students build the necessary skills and   university, and their graduates are in high   essential to remember that there are
          knowledge to qualify for their desired   demand in the workplace.        numerous paths to success.
          courses in the future.
                                              It is essential, however, to ensure that   “By exploring alternative education
          •  Internships and learnerships     you confirm your qualifications.  The SA   options, managing stress effectively
          Internships and learnerships provide   Qualifications Authority (SAQA) must   and keeping an open mind, students
          valuable  on-the-job  training  and  register all qualifications in South Africa,   can find fulfilling and rewarding career
          experience.  These programmes allow   and  the  provider  must  appear  on  the   opportunities regardless of the outcome
          students to earn while they learn, so they   Department  of  Higher  Education  and   of their university applications.
          gain practical skills and industry insights   Training’s list of licensed providers.
          that can be highly advantageous in the                                   “The journey to success is rarely
          job market. Contact the Sector Education   The Council of Higher Education oversees   a straight line, and flexibility and
          and  Training Authority for further   public and private higher education   resilience are vital to navigating it
          information.                        providers.                           successfully.”

                                                                                ABOUT DR LINDA MEYER
                                                                                Dr  Linda  Meyer  is  MD  of  the
                                                                                Independent Institute of Education’s
                                                                                Rosebank College. She has held
                                                                                several executive roles in the public
                                                                                and private sectors. She is a serving
                                                                                member of the SAQA Board and
                                                                                holds several qualifications, including
                                                                                Doctor of Philosophy (RSA), Doctor
                                                                                of Business Administration (USA),
                                                                                Master of Business Administration
                                                                                (UK), Post Graduate Diploma in
                                                                                Management Studies (UK), Bachelor
                                                                                of Business Administration, BCom
                                                                                (Law) and several other diplomas,
                                                                                higher certificates and professional

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