Page 36 - FWG December Issue 2024
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This service is offered by the Fourways Gardens Homeowners Association (FWG HOA) for advertisers to market their products or
services to the Fourways Gardens Estate families. The FWG HOA cannot be held responsible or liable for any damages or misleading
claims resulting from the information in these Classifieds. Placing an advert in the FWG Classifieds does not mean that the FWG HOA
endorse or recommend the product or service on offer. Please do proper service checks before using any service provider.
SERVICE PROVIDERS EXPERIENCED CHILDCARE PROFESSIONAL: Seeking full-time, au pair or PA position. Dedicated and
AA AIRPORT SHUTTLE, TOURS AND TRANSFERS: Fourways Gardens resident owner/driver. Personal, nurturing childcare expert with 17 years of hands-on experience from newborns to 10-year-olds. Proven
reliable transfers to/from ORT from R600 and Lanseria from R300. Half- and full-day tours arranged. All track record as a Nursery School Assistant Teacher. Child development expertise. Creative lesson planning,
journeys are now certified carbon neutral. For all your transport or driving requirements, contact Mike on a safety-conscious caregiver with excellent communication skills. First aid and CPR. CV and references are
072 284 0340, or email: available upon request. Let’s create a positive and enriching environment for your little ones! Contact Tana
ACCOMMODATION: Kruger Park Lodge. Available for the week of 8 – 15 January 2025. Beautiful Hitchcock on 082 929 7203.
4-bedroom Lodge on the banks of the Sabi River. Sleeps 8 adults, and a few kids, very comfortable. GAS SUPPLIES: For your gas requirements please contact your nearby GAS SHOP GASSA FOURWAYS
Perfect getaway, 10 minutes from Kruger Park. Golf course, tennis, pools, hippo pool. R21,000 for the 3 Granite Road Witkoppen Ext. Tel 011 465 8757 / 079 072 6211. WhatsApp. Gas installations, gas
week. Contact Tinker on 082 932 9631 should you be interested. equipment service. /
AFFORDABLE ELECTRICIAN: Issuing of COC’s (same day), installation of solar systems and inverters, GATE MOTOR REPAIRS: Alarms, CCTV, gate motors and intercom system repairs and installations. Call the
repairs to faulty plugs, switches, lights, oven stoves and geysers, commercial and industrial electrical Ninja Office: 084 354 5596, or Quinton on 084 354 5597.
maintenance and repairs. Call Lazarus on 073 127 3921. LEERAY COLLECTABLES: Make instant cash from your used clothes, shoes, bed linen, kitchen stuff, toys
ALL GROW SHEP TEAM: Garden service that includes mowing and fencing, lawn maintenance, etc. I buy and collect. Please contact me on 072 656 0470, or email:
landscaping, hedge management, sprinkler, weeding and pruning, rubbish removal and tree felling. MOKOPANE ELECTRICAL: Installation and maintenance repairs: Energy efficient solutions, emergency call
Please call Sheperd on 084 496 7254. out, tripping problems, garden and security lights, geysers – no hot water, timer switching, fault finding,
APPLIANCES REPAIRS: To all makes and models – AEG, Bosch, Whirlpool, Siemens, Samsung, LG, lights and plugs, pool motors, turnkey solar and underfloor heating installation. Aircon installation service
Defy, Kelvinator and Miele, as well as Elba and all gas appliances. Contact Gwentech Appliances on and maintenance as well as gas geyser Installation. Certificate of Compliance. Call Ronald on 072 154 9735.
072 952 8183/073 947 2447, or email: Same-day service (26 years’ experience). MGUNI GREEN FINGERS: Garden maintenance, garden refuse removal and tree felling service. Call Isaac
AU PAIR – FUR NANNY: Contact the fur kid nanny, Dee Van Heerden, on 083 319 2220 or dee. on 083 582 0636 / /, regular sitter in FWG, reasonable rates, daily walks and feeds or stay-in, MR TREE FELLING: We specialise in tree felling, trimmings, pruning, instant lawn, Kikuyu and LM grass,
references available. supply compost, and lawn dressing. Fully insured. Contact Wisdom on 071 793 0825.
ARNOLD - Internationally Credentialed Leadership and Life Coach: Coaching can help you NAIL TECHNICIAN: TG TRAVELING NAILS – A FWG resident will do manicures and pedicures in the comfort
overcome obstacles, build resilience, gain new insights, let go of limiting beliefs, become unstuck, of your home. I have many years of experience and look forward to helping you. Express manicure (buff,
navigate tough conversations and experience greater confidence. It can develop you as a leader cuticles, shape and paint: normal R160, gel R190), Express pedicure (normal R220, gel R250).
and you can grow as a person. Call Arnold on 082 549 5275, email: or Please contact Tanya on 082 325 1609.
visit: ORGANIC COMPOST: 2 Cube load R1,400.00. Topsoil mix – 2 cube load R1,600.00 Please send WhatsApp
AERIAL FITNESS: This is the best zero-impact method of attaining full-body fitness. Manufacturer and orders to 063 256 1978.
installer of fitness poles (dance poles), hoops (lyras), hammocks (aerial yoga), silks and any other aerial
rigging requirements. Experienced industry professional. Call THE POLE GUY, Vince on 076 644 2480. PAWSITTERS: Our commitment goes beyond routine care; it is a dedication to the well-being of your
cherished pets and the security of your home. Our experienced team delivers meticulous attention to
B4 ELECTRICIAL: 24-Hour call out. Prompt, efficient, personal service. Call Peter on 083 452 0635. detail, offering personalised services such as stay-in care, precise feeding schedules, regular walks, and
BLINDS AND SHUTTERS: Vertical, block-out, basswood or aluminium Venetian panel blinds and shutters thorough home check-ins. Expect not only professional excellence but also daily updates with the best
at competitive prices. Please contact Tony on 083 290 1757, email:, or snapshots of the fur children, providing you with a glimpse into your pets’ happy moments. Entrust
visit Pawsitters for a seamless, reliable, and caring solution to your pet and house-sitting needs.
BOOGAARD ATTORNEYS: Business contracts, company law, data privacy law, information technology law, Call 082 929 7203.
wills and trusts. Call 072 116 4121, email:, or visit PEST CONTROL AND HYGIENE: With over 46 years of experience in the industry, we specialise in providing
CAR GUY: From old to new, whether it’s just parts to be sourced or manufactured or the entire job to be solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of both individuals and businesses. For pest control call
carried out, THE CAR GUY is a one-stop vehicle repair shop. Mobile repairs are available for certain jobs. 011 804 3454 or for cleaning call 011 675 5956.
Call Vince on 076 644 2480. PILATES AND YOGA SESSIONS – Just B Movement: Traveling Pilates and Yoga instructor. Home visits
CAREGIVER OR AU PAIR: 17 years’ experience as a caregiver to aged and ill/disabled persons. A family- in JHB North. Take the hassle out of travelling to be part of a Pilates or Yoga class. Let me offer you group
oriented person who can relate to patients, children, and family members. Has a valid driver’s license. or private one-on-one sessions to fulfil your fitness journey ahead. Call Jessica Snyman on 082 258 9880,
Can live in or out. Call Patience on 076 603 1065, or for a reference call Teresa on 083 456 7374. email:, or visit:
CARPETS & FLOORING: Carpets, vinyl planks (LVT) laminates, solid and engineered wood, 45 years in POOL SERVICES: Maintenance, repairs, re-marblelite, pumps, sand changes etc. For all pool requirements,
the business, workmanship guaranteed, all brands, competitive prices. Please call or WhatsApp Tony on call Jackie or Martin on 072 132 5703.
083 290 1757, email: or visit POOL SERVICE: “XPERTS”: Get off the grid in bite-size chunks. Save water and electricity. Dream Pools
CARPET CLEANING: For furnishings and mattresses, MASTERGUARD SPECIALISTS (Scotch Guard), uses SA, pool renovators and global green. New pools, renovations, best marbelite approved Cemcrete SA,
the latest quick-drying Karcher machines. Owner supervision, competitive rates, locally based. Call or fibreglass. Weekly pool service with expert advice on energy and watersaving solutions. Also, chlorination
WhatsApp Wyn on “JUST CLEAN IT” on 084 052 6400. for low maintenance, heating, covers, fencing, paving composite decks, autofill, water features, spas and
COMPUTER SERVICES: Support company focussed on keeping your personal computers secure, fast, and Koi ponds. Call 082 332 7252/082 322 7253.
reliable. Key services include upgrading older computers, setting up secure backups, password managers, PHYSIOTHERAPY: Kerusha Pillay Physiotherapy is located at the Fourways Gardens Shopping Centre.
AVs, and VPNs to protect against cyber-attacks, Windows 10/11 upgrades, and setting up new computers, Visit: For appointments call 084 012 2590.
tablets and smartphones. Contact Nico @ Your PC Guru on 082 492 7852 or email: RB FOOD MEAL PREP: Experience fresh, delicious meals crafted to support your goals. Say goodbye to
CHILDREN’S ART BOOKS - A must-have keepsake for parents: Turn boxes and piles of your child’s monotonous diets - our flavourful dishes make healthy eating simple and enjoyable. Whether you’re
precious artwork into beautiful hardcover coffee table books. Simply pack the art into a box or bag, aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or balanced living, we offer flexible plans delivered right to your
drop it off, and let me do the rest. These keepsake books are the perfect way to preserve memories and doorstep. Get in touch with us today on 073 451 9845 or email: Eat better, live better
make a great gift for loved ones. Located in FWG Phase 1. For pricing and more information, contact Vee with RB Food.
on 076 770 5506, email:, visit: or preciousartza on SAFE TRIP: Offers safe and reliable transport services, kids’ school transport, airport shuttles, staff
Facebook and Instagram. transport and transport to and from events. Take advantage of our sibling discount and contact us today
DAMP-PROOFING/WATERPROOFING/PAINTING: “10 Year Maintenance Free Guarantee”. for a free quote. For more info call directly 082 212 1011. Ts and Cs apply.
Call Richard on 082 352 6382
DR AUTOMOTIVE: Mechanical Vehicle Workshop. 167 Republic Road, Randburg. We are a specialist car BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE
repair and service workshop. We cater for all makes of vehicles and specialise in BMW and Mercedes-Benz. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS AND NEW BUILDS: (NHBRC reg) Established business in 1981, FWG resident
Book your vehicle in today. Call Noel on 063 294 1599. for 34 years. Numerous building work done in the estate. References from residents are available. Contact
DRY FIREWOOD: “Razor sharp service”. Email: or call 082 786 3225. Gerry on 082 444 8868 or email:
DSTV INSTALLATION: Wi-Fi extender, DStv installation, extra view, triple view, cat 6 lan cabling and CARE CONSTRUCTION AND PAVING: We specialise in new houses, additions and alterations, paving,
signal issues. Call Adam on 073 162 4048/061 219 5866, email:, or visit: painting and all your building requirements, no matter how big or small. Over 30 years’ experience. Call Ian on 011 469 4300 / 083 250 3736, email: or visit:
DSTV DOCTOR: Approved DStv – all installations, aerials, sales, Wi-Fi extender/booster over cat 6E and FOURWAYS CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECTS: We do property renovations and property maintenance.
repairs, MultiChoice-accredited installer. Showmax and Netflix. Call Junior on 078 228 3182/ 074 729 9672, Contact us on 081 262 2925, email: or visit:
email:, or visit: Address: Plot 79 Cedar Rd, Chartwell. HANDYMAN: For all your building requirements done to your satisfaction. Professional, honest and
ELECTRICIAN: Lazis Electrical – Certificates of Compliance, new installations, tripping and fault reasonable. Specialising in painting, waterproofing, damp-proofing, rising damp, rhinoliting, tiling,
finding, power failures, geysers, stoves, plugs, lights and installation of generators. Call 078 739 6773 / paving, roof leaks, building, plastering, pool repairs and house renovations. Call Alex on 073 836 5049 /
073 127 3921. 071 836 2601. References are available in FWG.
EQUIPMENT AND TOOL HIRE: Go Hire – Your Fourways tool hire specialists. Drilling, compacting, DIY, HANDYMAN: British tradesman for all the jobs you hate!!! Building, total house renovations, wooden
ladders, gardening, sanding, scaffolding, breaking and all other equipment needs. Fourways Gardens flooring, painting, cupboards, damp-proofing, tiling, plumbing, roofing, ceilings, kitchen and bathroom
Residents special on delivery: R35.00. Call 011 467 9890, or visit us at 6 Granite Road, Fourways. renovations and electrical work, plastering, paving and alterations. No job is too small. Offers a friendly
and reliable service. Contact Steve on 076 823 6847 / 082 955 5642.
Fourways Gardens • 34 • December 2024