Page 37 - FWG December Issue 2024
P. 37
IRRIGATION – SOFT RAIN: I have gone solo after six years and I have partners, each with over 12 years’ Phindi: Is seeking work on Tuesdays and Fridays as her current employer for those days is emigrating. She
experience. All sorts of irrigation from maintenance and repairs to new installations. Call Isaac on has been with us for a year, and we have found her to be friendly, willing to take on new tasks, reliable and
078 658 4371, Thabiso on 079 946 2906, or email: hardworking. Please call or message Phindi on 072 610 0665, or for a reference call Heidi on 083 632 1598.
NICK’S WATERPROOFING/PAINTING: Torch - on waterproofing. Cement house waterproofing/acrylic Nomsa: We have known Nomsa for 20 years, previously she worked for a family member full-time,
type waterproofing. Please Contact Nick on076 696 5583 or email: currently she works for us twice a week and has for five years. She is a hard worker, organised and on time.
PAINTING – Tex Paint Projects: is based in Fourways and can assist you with painting (interior/exterior), Please consider her for extra work in the estate. Call Nomsa on 078 821 3208.
waterproofing, damp treatment and basic pre-painting maintenance. Contact us today. Call Tiago on Bonnie: Has worked with our family as a domestic for the past nine years. We are relocating hence Bonnie
073 163 9386, email:, visit:, FB@TexPaintProjects is looking for employment as a domestic and/or caregiver. Bonnie is an extremely reliable, diligent and
PATSONS PAVING: For all your paving and tiling requirements – no job too big or small. Everyone is trustworthy person, who has not only kept our home immaculately clean without supervision but has also
welcome. There are a variety of various designs available to suit your individual taste. Call Patson on
082 676 2668 or 084 288 6149. been the caretaker of our home and pets in our absence. Bonnie has certificates in elderly care and early
PLUMB-AVID PROJECTS: The leading name in plumbing and maintenance, now offering municipal water child daycare. She has excellent communication skills. Call Bonnie on 076 556 5229, or for a reference call
backup and rainwater harvesting solutions. Call 012 654 2513 / 071 875 0218. Michelle on 082 776 3439.
PLUMBER AT YOUR SERVICE: A complete plumbing business that offers efficient professional service to Maria: My cleaning lady of many years is looking for accommodation and is willing to work one day per
the domestic and commercial sectors. Blocked drains, burst pipes, geyser installations and maintenance, week for a room. She is currently in Fourways Gardens, but her employer is relocating. She is hardworking
leaking toilets and taps, subsoil drainage, bathroom & kitchen renovations. Please contact Paul Stonley, and thorough and cleans and irons well. Call Maria on 079 051 1739, or for a reference call Stan on
PIRB and IOPSA registered on 082 798 3643 or email: 061 549 2139.
RUBBLE REMOVAL: Building rubble and garden refuse removal, building material deliveries, compost/ Thembie: Is a hardworking, reliable domestic worker and nanny who is available for full/part-time work.
manure deliveries. Call Ozzy on 073 058 0464. She is exceptionally good with children and pets. Please call Thembie on 073 041 1229, or for a reference
SAMMY MAINTENANCE: For all your maintenance tasks such as paving, painting, tree felling, electrical/ call 084 465 1939.
fencing and alterations. No job is too small. I am reliable and offer a friendly service. Please call Samuel on Akhona: Is looking for full-time domestic work. She is friendly and trustworthy, respectful and
072 414 7585. understands and speaks English fluently. Please call her on 076 726 1544.
Hlengiwe: Is looking for full-time domestic work, she is a reliable, trustworthy person who is good with
EXTRAMURALS, LESSONS AND OTHER domestic chores and is great with pets and children. Please call her on 061 759 0592.
TENNIS COACHING: Tennis lessons in Fourways at Fourways Gardens Residential Estate. All levels
of players from beginners to advanced are welcome. Private or semi-private lessons are available. Agnes: Is looking for full/part-time employment on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Her current employer is
We also provide one-on-one coaching at your own court. Call Mike on 078 345 1620 or email: relocating. She has worked for 11 years in her current position. She is reliable and good with children and animals. Please call Agnes on 073 169 5307.
TENNIS FOR LIFE: Professional tennis coaching, from beginners to advanced players, adults and children,
individual and group lessons. BOOK A FREE GROUP LESSON - USE PROMO CODE FWG032. Contact Alette on GARDENERS
082 859 8565/ email: or visit: Julias: An older gentleman, has worked for me as a gardener since 1991. He has also worked in other
RENTAL: Spacious luxury flatlet to rent, available immediately. Fully furnished, R 7,500 per month gardens in our estate. Julias is a lovely man, gentle and kind. He has a wealth of gardening experience. He
inclusive of water and electricity. Contact Pierre on 074 909 5094. is seeking employment on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Saturdays. Please call him on 076 715 9575, or for a
WIFI MY HOME: Boots Wi-Fi signal and speed, secure internet for kids to use, turn your lights, pool pump, reference call me, Terryl Louw on 082 825 9035.
garage door, gate motor and geyser into smart devices. For all your connectivity and home IT needs, Frank: Our friendly, helpful and excellent Zimbabwean gardener of 17 years is looking for work on
contact or call 078 181 6046.
Tuesdays. Frank has a work permit and a driver’s license. He already works in Fourways Gardens three days
a week. Frank can paint and do small maintenance/handyman jobs in and around the home. He is a star car
DOMESTIC WORKERS cleaner too! Please call Frank on 071 866 3355, or for a reference call Alison on 083 626 3476.
Elizabeth: A 40-year-old lady, looking for part-time domestic work on Mondays and Wednesdays. She is Benjamin: Malawian seeks part-time garden work, available on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. He
hardworking and trustworthy. Call her on 083 639 3277, or for a reference call Jan on 083 248 1246.
Caroline: A hardworking Malawian seeks full/part-time domestic work. Call Caroline on 083 521 6071, or is honest, hardworking and can work without supervision. He has worked for us for four years. Call him on
for a reference call Janine on 083 265 5726. 083 539 9262, or for a reference call Vanessa on 082 826 6446.
Noma: Would like to find work within FWG. She works on Thursdays and every second Tuesday. She Joseph: Has worked for us for six years and we have found him to be an excellent gardener. He is reliable,
is looking for work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She is pleasant and cleans well and irons honest and able to work on his own without supervision. We highly recommend him to look after your
beautifully. If you can help her out on the above days, she will be most happy. Call Noma on 073 609 0074, garden. He is available on Wednesdays and Fridays. For a reference or more information call Charmaine on
or for a reference call 083 292 2266. 084 447 6322 or call Christine on 082 871 5252.
Pamelah: Is looking for full/part-time domestic work Monday to Friday. She is hardworking and excellent Jacob: Is looking for gardening work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. He works for me
with kids and pets. She is trustworthy and always punctual for work. Please call Pamelah on 072 417 7851. on Mondays and Fridays and is looking for extra work since we sold our rental where he previously
Wanna: Is looking for full-time domestic work. She is a hard worker and is very good at cleaning and independently looked after the garden and pool. He has a good knowledge of gardening with an incredible
ironing. Call Wanna on 063 994 9309 / 067 409 8289. eye for trimming shaped hedges and topiary trees. He is reliable, honest, trustworthy and has been with
Maria: Is looking for extra work two days a week. She has been with us for 20 years in Fourways Gardens us for five years. Available immediately. Please call him on 073 500 7302, or for a reference call Judy on
and still works for us three days a week. She is friendly, hardworking, reliable and good with pets. Happy 083 327 3658.
to swop out days to accommodate. Please call Maria on 060 435 5091, or for a reference call Sharon on Lyford: Is looking for work on Mondays and Tuesdays in gardening, irrigation, painting and swimming
083 650 7661. pool maintenance. He has 21 years of working experience. For reference call 078 143 0954.
Rose: She has been our trusted and reliable helper for the last few years. She is hardworking and is very
patient and good with children. She has a gentle and calm personality and works well autonomously. She Alpha: Experienced gardener available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. He specialises in garden
is looking for full-time employment, preferably live-in. Please call her on 071 099 5785, or for a reference maintenance, weeding, painting and lawn care. References are available on request. Call him on
call Bertha on 072 340 7012. 084 632 4144.
Naomi: Is looking for full/part-time work, stay out. She has 10 years of work experience in domestic work Abraham: Is seeking employment on Mondays and Wednesdays. He can do gardening, painting and brick
and child minding. Call her on 084 055 8388, or for a reference call David on 072 947 3946. layering. For a reference call Elke on 072 022 0890.
Taasta: Is looking for a full-time domestic, live-in, housekeeping position. She worked and lived in FWG Lackson: He is a trustworthy, reliable, hardworking gardener looking for additional days’ work. Not only is
for many years until her employers moved. She did move with them but found that it was too far from he a top gardener, but he is also very good at sanding and painting and can assist with household work like
family and has moved back to JHB. She has been working in Dainfern Estate for a couple of years and cleaning and ironing. He has worked for us for over 10 years and is an asset to any home. Call Lackson on
unfortunately, the family who employed her are sadly also leaving the country. She has a driver’s license 078 556 2280, or for a reference call Casey on 082 094 0092.
and has assisted with childcare and old-age care. She loves dogs and walking them too! She is in her 50s Mac: Our hardworking gardener is looking for work on Tuesdays and Saturdays. He is trustworthy,
and comes with a lot of experience and is still strong! Call her on 072 4735 718 if you are looking for a
trustworthy, reliable, good housekeeper. She can start in January 2025, or possibly sooner. reliable and very gentle. He also takes care of the pool. We highly recommend him. Please call him on
Thembie: Lovely lady looking for domestic work, full/part-time, live in or live out. She is incredibly 065 317 8992, or for a reference call Nathalie on 071 895 8622.
reliable and communicates well. Call Thembie on 084 653 3999, or for a reference call Nabila on Modicai: Malawian gardener has been employed by me for over 20 years. He can do basic gardening and
082 553 7772. can repair irrigation; he is looking for work on a Saturday. He is also a resident of FWG with a work permit.
Sarah: Is looking for part-time domestic work two days a week. She can clean, wash, and iron, and Call him on 078 488 1917, or for a reference call Natasha on 082 852 3503.
she is also good with children and pets. She is hardworking and friendly. Call Sarah on 072 191 6172 / Vusi: A South African, 48 years of age, is looking for part-time work as a gardener on Tuesdays,
078 256 9584, or for a reference call Kym on 083 982 9828. Wednesdays and Saturdays. He is also willing to help inside the house, he is a good listener with five years’
Anna: A Zimbabwean woman who has a work permit is looking for domestic work. She is efficient, cleans experience. Call Vusi on 066 446 8503/WhatsApp 073 358 8860. For a reference call Carrie on 064 988 9188
beautifully, is respectable and 100% trustworthy. Anna is available any day of the week and is happy to or Penny on 082 909 0636.
work temporarily or permanently. For a reference call Allyson on 082 461 5893. Goodson: Is looking for work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He is reliable, trustworthy and hardworking
Tamala: Is looking for full-time domestic work live-in or out, no. She is friendly, reliable, hardworking and and will follow instructions given. Please call him on 067 959 2046, or for a reference call 078 678 9366.
trustworthy. She can clean, wash and iron and is good with children and pets. Call Tamala on 061 476 7072,
or for a reference call Jillian on 083 458 0790. Eric: A Malawian gardener has worked for us for over 10 years. He works for a few houses in Fourways
Monica: Is looking for full/part-time work, currently unemployed. She is very good with general Gardens, however, one of his employers has moved and he is looking for work on a Thursday and
household work, good with children and eager to please. Monica is the wife of our gardener Victor, who a Saturday. He is not only great at gardening and using his own initiative, but he can also do some
has been with us for many years. Please call her on 074 079 8628. maintenance around the property, painting and repairing irrigation. Call or WhatsApp him on
081 260 9439, or for a reference call Brett on 060 687 4625.
Fourways Gardens • 35 • December 2024