Page 23 - FWG Issue 2 March 2024
P. 23
Animals Matter
with kittens or cats, not minding if their flattening of ears, hissing, dilated pupils, to the cat that its behaviour is unacceptable
hands or feet are attacked. Unfortunately, arched back with their fur standing straight and reinforces the aggression by rewarding
for others living in the house, this can set a up. Confronting and approaching the cat the cat regardless.
precedent. The cat sees human extremities will only create more panic. This type of fear
as fun, moving prey-like things to rip into. aggression affects cats who are generally Sadly, some cats will experience pain-related
By continuing this mode of play, the person disadvantaged through lack of early aggression. The touch from the owner may
will reinforce the conduct. It is best to avoid socialisation and feel fearful of humans. prove to be painful where previously the
playing with body parts and replace them Eye contact, attention and talking to him cat has enjoyed petting. This aggressive
with toys, preferably on long rods or sticks. may provoke an attack. Happiest without a reaction gives the owner an indication that
Leave hands to be linked to less excitable relationship, preferring just to live with the the cat is sore, and a veterinarian needs to
actions like feeding, holding, and stroking. owner, it’s best to just ignore them. be consulted. When the pain is removed, the
aggression will disappear.
Insofar as aggression during petting, there Perceived unprovoked attacks can be very
can be nothing worse than stroking a cat distressing as the owner can’t predict it Idiopathic aggression is where the cause of
and whilst lifting your hand, noticing the nor rationalise it at the time. However, the aggression is simply unknown. Should
fluff ball is still attached with all fours, claws although there is a reason as to why the the aggression start unprovoked, with
locked in, and teeth firmly embedded in cat misdirected his aggression at the no external stimulus and no fathomable
the plump side of the thumb. Attempting owner, it was neither a deliberate nor reason, these cats should be considered
to shake him off makes him hang on tighter calculated assault. For example: the cat as exceptionally dangerous and for safety
and your screams make him think that he has been focusing on say, an intruding cat reasons, a visit to the veterinarian is not
was right in attacking you in the first place. approaching his house. The threatening negotiable.
Cats all have their stroking thresholds and cat is getting closer and closer, the owner’s
owners should be mindful in learning cat is focusing more and more… caught up Sometimes cats that live by the “tooth
them. To put one’s face to a cat with petting in an excess of emotional charged energy and claw” motto need to be rehomed
aggression might get you a part in the and large amounts of adrenalin pumping owing to both the environment and
“Alien” series but the cat will not appreciate through his system like a tightly wired coil, association between cat and owner
the close contact and will attempt to the owner approaches from the back and being dysfunctional. Those sticking it out
scratch you. touches the cat. BING! The coil snaps and need to try and understand the types of
the cat attacks the owner by mistake. This aggression, the causes, and the treatment
If the cat perceives itself as being held too is referred to as re-directed or displacement thereof. Harvey Cat, through time,
long and denied escape, it will probably aggression. unconditional love and patience became
react with defensive aggression. These cats a much-loved member of our family, for
are not suited to “touchy-feely “people who Assertive or learned aggression can be over 16 years and died in my arms.
want to cuddle them all day (and night) but found in some cats if the right owner/cat
will appreciate the “hello-howzit” people; combination exists: an acquiescent and My experience with him started my journey
those who would rather acknowledge the accommodating owner with an overtly to pursue a career in Animal Behaviour and I
cat when the cat acknowledges them. The confident and bullying, scheming cat will always be grateful to him for teaching me
trick here is to read the signals of when Fluffy who gets his way through aggression and what can be achieved with understanding
is about to lose it; swishing tail and agitation viciousness. Nasty scenario. The owners and perseverance.
are normally good red flags to heed. are normally females (cat lovers) who keep
these cats indoors; they reward their cats For more information contact
When cats believe they are under threat with food and attention and are completely Jeantte on 082 445 8422;
and cornered with no option of escape, as compliant and submissive to the aggression email: or visit:
mentioned, their body language says it all: of the cat. The owner does not demonstrate
Fourways Gardens • 21 • March 2024