Page 21 - FWG Issue 3 April 2024
P. 21

Animals Matter

                                    WHY PLAYING WITH

                               YOUR PET IS IMPORTANT

 OVER 25 YEARS   here can be nothing more fun
                than watching animals play,
                whether it’s in the wild or in our
 OF EXCELLENCE AT   Tgardens. It makes us smile and
          laugh. No matter what the species, play is
          important and makes us feel good. From
 CRAWFORD  a scientific point of view, humans are
          animals, and therefore it makes sense that
          animals use play just like we do.  When
          they feel  safe,  it allows them to  explore
 INTERNATIONAL  and navigate their environment, hone
          their predatory skills, or practice evasive
          techniques if they are prey animals.
          Like humans, animal play contributes to
          coordination, strength, dexterity, and
 FOURWAYS  physical skills.

          Often, if there is a multi-pet household,
          animals will get excited at the anticipation
 FROM GRADE 0000 – GRADE 7  of an event just like kids do when wanting                                            Photo by Justin Veenema
          to go to the beach on a hot summer’s
          day. In their  excitement  they will
          spontaneously roughhouse each other as
          they go towards the dinner bowl or leash   cats (like children) who don’t get enough   the  mental  and  physical  well-being  of  all
          area. It’s one of the best parts of my day to   playtime  may  become  frustrated  and   creatures, great and small. Have fun!
          see my animals get the wind in their tails   display destructive behaviour as they do
 Reserve your spot for 2024  and play towards the reward.  not have an outlet to vent their repressed   Scent Game 1
                                             energy. Indeed, all work and no play does   1 x muffin tin, 12 x tennis balls and a few high
          Our pets also like to play with us;   make Jack a DULL boy!           value treats.
          unfortunately, some owners shrug this off.                            Place the treats into a few muffin tin holes
          They believe that if their pet has access to a   To get started, invest in a cat wand (feathery   and cover them with tennis balls.
          garden/patio then that’s all they need but   stick) for your cat to chase and set up a   Put the other tennis balls into the empty
          animals need social interaction just like us.   scent game for your dog. By allowing our   muffin holes.
          Our pets benefit greatly when we allocate   pets to express what comes naturally to   Give the  “puzzle” muffin  tray to your dog
          one-on-one time with them; it relieves our   them (predatory maneuvers  and the  use   and watch them search for the treats.
          stress and theirs, strengthens the human/  of noses) sets them up for success. Play is   When doing the game again, place treats in
          animal  bond  and  builds  trust.  Dogs  and   an emotional state which contributes to   different muffin holes so that the game is not

                                                                                Scent Game 2
                                  Jeanette Furstenburg is a Certified Animal    Having your dog use both his eyes and ears
                                  Behaviourist. She holds a Diploma in Companion   is first prize!
                                  Animal Behaviour (DipCABT) with distinction and is   Take three identical cups and place them
                                  a full member of the COAPE Endorsed Association of   upside down on a flat surface.
                                  Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers International   Place a high value treat under one of the cups.
                                  (CABTi), which is a member of the UK Dog Behaviour   Let your dog watch as you switch the cups
                                  and  Training Charter 2024 and the International   around.
                                  Companion Animal Network (ICAN). In addition, she is   Allow your dog to knock the cups over to see
                                  a member of the South African Board for Companion   which one contains the treat.
                                  Animal Professionals (SABCAP).                Increase the difficulty by waiting for him to
                                                                                nose (point out) one of the cups, pick up the
                                  For more information call 082 445 8422,       cup he has indicated and allow him to take
                                  email: or visit:    the treat or realise he has chosen the wrong
                                                                                Reshuffle and play again.

                                                   Fourways Gardens • 19 • April 2024
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