Page 27 - FWG Issue 5 June 2024
P. 27

Animals Matter

                          HAS YOUR PET TRAINED YOU?

                he job of an Animal Behaviourist   her up and plop her on the counter? Well,   finishes said cup of coffee.  Watch the
                is to observe behaviour. Not   she has trained you to do that. I overhear   look on your dog’s face when you do this.
                just  the  animals  but  that  of   conversations where people wonder how   After continually changing your routine,
          Tthe owners who live in the        their “separation anxiety” pet knows they   his anxiety levels will come down as he
          household as well.  In a lot of cases,   are about to leave the house, and I have   cannot predict the sequence of events.
          we see owners reinforcing problem   a little chuckle. I can imagine the routine
          behaviour inadvertently. Due to their   that happens before that owner leaves.   I see how easily our pets can manipulate
          survival instincts, animals adapt to their                            us. Let’s take the case of the beautiful
          environments and soon start reading the   Let’s pretend I’m a dog. I look at the   Husky who would always go and get
          people living in the home. Animals figure   events that occur before my owner   under the family’s visitors’ car when they
          out who the good cop or the bad cop is,   leaves.  For  example,  the  owner  has  a   were about to leave.  The owner would
          who can be manipulated, and who is the   shower, gets dressed, goes to the kitchen,   have to entice him out from under the car
          easiest to  train.   Yes, animals train their   makes coffee, and grabs the car keys.   with treats. “I don’t know why he doesn’t
          owners.                            At this point, as the dog, I know exactly   want  my  visitors  to  leave;  it  drives  me
                                             what will happen – my owner will walk   nuts!” Well, he has trained you, hasn’t he?
          Have you ever wondered why your dog   out the door and leave me alone. We have   I reply. He knows you will give him treats
          hangs around one side of the dinner   conditioned them to predict a sequence   if he goes under the car. But, you have
          table whilst  they would never dare   of events. We would, therefore, need to   inadvertently reinforced a behaviour.
          attempt to beg where you are sitting?   counter-condition them to that sequence.
          (out of sight, out of mind). Or wonder   Example: The owner takes a shower, gets   We  need  to  give  our  pets  a  break  and
          why  every  time your cat  walks  past  the   dressed, goes  to the kitchen, makes   understand that often; we need to look at
          feeding station, she waits for you to pick   coffee, grabs keys, sits in the lounge, and   our own behaviour to change theirs.

            Jeanette Furstenburg is a Certified
            Animal Behaviourist. She holds a
            Diploma in Companion Animal
            Behaviour (DipCABT) with distinction
            and is a full member of the COAPE
            Endorsed Association of Applied Pet
            Behaviourists and Trainers International
            (CABTi), which is a member of the UK
            Dog Behaviour and Training Charter
            2024 and the International Companion
            Animal Network (ICAN). In addition, she
            is a member of the South African Board
            for Companion Animal Professionals

            For more information call 082 445 8422,
            email: or

                                                                                                      Photo by Kev Costello
                                                  Fourways Gardens • 25 • June 2024
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