Page 30 - FWG Issue 6 July 2024
P. 30

Estate News

                               THE VREDEFORT DOME –


                   hile producing for the History   in 1876, the town’s name translates to “peace   the  largest  known  meteorite  impact
                   Channel,  Fourways  Gardens   fort” in Afrikaans and Dutch. It’s a reminder   structure on Earth.
                   Resident Sian Clark discovered   of the peaceful settlement that avoided war
         Wthat          the  largest  impact  between what was then the Boer Republics   So, what was it? An asteroid or
         structure still known on earth is 142km away   of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State.   meteorite?
         from Fourways Gardens, in Vrederfort.                                 Well, in fact, both.  The difference is simple.
                                            It’s fitting that a town with so much history   Asteroids are the original body orbiting the
         Imagine two billion years ago when life   was hit by this gigantic meteorite two billion   sun. Meteorites are the asteroid fragments
         on earth was at its most primitive. At this   years ago and is now the setting for the   that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and collide
         time, a meteorite roughly the size of Table   Vredefort Dome.         with our planet.
         Mountain came hurtling through space and
         hit an area outside what would become –   “The Vredefort crater is a very, very old, very   The meteorite which hit  Vredefort was
         Johannesburg, the city of gold.    eroded remnant of a mighty big asteroid   twice as big as the rock, which killed off
                                            impact,” says Professor Graeme Addison,   the dinosaurs over a billion years later in
         The impact turned the earth inside out and   who lives and works in the dome region.   Chicxulub, Mexico.
         embedded the previously exposed gold
         reefs, which would become the foundation   Wits Professor of  Geology Roger Gibson   The Chicxulub crater is about 160km across,
         of South Africa’s mineral wealth in years to   says:  “The  Vredefort crater, so far, is the   and that wiped out 75% of all life on Earth.
         come.                              largest impact structure that we know on
                                            Earth. Therefore, it sits on the extreme, it is   Professor Roger Gibson is the recognised
         The event took less than 10 minutes but   evidence of the worst damage done to the   authority on the  Vredefort Dome. He has
         changed the planet forever.        planet’s surface.”                 published two field guides and a book on
                                                                               the impact structure.
         This is the  Vredefort Dome and how that   It was only in the early 1980s, when the
         single  cataclysmic  event  influenced  the   space shuttle sent satellite images back   “This was a planetary changing event.  The
         development of South Africa’s economic   to Earth that people realised this wasn’t a   meteorite impact was so strong that it not
         future.                            volcano crater as previously thought.  This   only exposed rocks from deep within the
                                            was a unique geological phenomenon.   Earth, but it also upturned over 25km of the
         Vredefort is a small farming town in the Free                         Earth’s crust. Leaving it lying bare on the
         State province of South Africa.  Established   This is the oldest, and at 300km in diameter,   surface,’ he says.

          Map of Vredefort Dome                                               Crater rock formation

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