Page 12 - FWG September Issue 2024
P. 12
Estate News
Friday 19 July
he Clubhouse Hall was choc-a-
block full for the July Quiz Night,
with 16 teams set to compete
Tfor cash prizes and glory, the
heat was on! Many of our regulars were
in attendance, determined to prove their
staying power while the new teams were
itching to show them up!
As always, Dayle, our Quiz Mister par
Excellence entertained the quizzers as
we were challenged with questions that
seemed too easy, with obvious answers,
and questions that reached for obscure
facts we didn’t even realise we knew! Our
sponsors, Club Real Estate made sure that
there was another knockout lucky draw
prize to be won and competed in the Quiz
with vigour!
At the end of the evening, though, only a
few teams can claim prizes, and this month’s
quiz was a very closely contested one, as
are so many of our previous quiz nights!
Third place was awarded to Winky Dinky
Donkey, showing that it’s not about
numbers – this team had fewer members
than most of the other teams, evidently,
they knew their stuff!
In second place with a mere one point
ahead were The Drinkng Cubs. First
place was claimed by Friends, who have
consistently had high scores throughout
this year’s quiz league!
Kate Nel won the wonderful lucky
draw hamper with an Interior Design
We thank our sponsors, Club Real Estate, for
their ongoing support of this event, which
is such a fixture of life at Fourways Gardens
and who have promised an exceptional
prize for the 2024 Quiz League winners!
Fourways Gardens • 10 • September 2024