Page 18 - IFV_Issue 11_2022
P. 18

Health & Wellness

                              FEELING UNPREPARED

                                    FOR MENOPAUSE?

                      Take care of yourself by getting more sleep, exercising regularly,
                    and using stress-control methods to even out your mood swings.

                     enopause  signals  the  end                               from woman to woman and which
                     of a woman’s reproductive                                 require a personalised approach.
            Myears. This normally occurs                                         “From  this  time  of  life  onwards  it
            between the ages of 45 and 55, though                              is important for a woman’s health to
            it can be experienced by women in                                  be carefully monitored, especially for
            their 30s or even in their 60s. Women                              some conditions that postmenopausal
            who have not had their period for 12                               women are at greater risk of developing.
            consecutive months are generally                                   Menopausal women should practise
            considered to be in menopause, which                               preventative care by regularly going for
            is when the ovaries stop producing                                 important health screenings including
            the   hormones   oestrogen  and                                    a bone density test, mammogram and
            progesterone.                                                      breast ultrasound, Pap smear, pelvic
              Dr Taheera Hassim, an obstetrician                               examination, colonoscopy, cholesterol
            and gynaecologist practising at                                    and blood sugar screening, as well as a
            Netcare Sunninghill Hospital, notes                                thyroid test.”
            that  menopause  is  a  natural  phase   Dr Tahira Hassim
            that needs to be supported by healthy                              BE AWARE OF ASSOCIATED
            habits, which can only stand to benefit   into your daily life, if you have not   CONDITIONS
            women as they grow older.         already done so, that will support   Many women mistakenly believe that
              “The effects of changing hormonal   you through the process and assist   cardiovascular disease tends to be a
            levels in the body are not insignificant   in  lowering  your  risk  of  developing   male health issue but this is far from the
            and women should be aware of      various conditions after menopause.”   truth. The risk of heart disease escalates
            accompanying symptoms, such as                                     with age and studies have found that
            hot flushes, disturbed sleep, general   BEGIN WITH A VISIT TO YOUR   the rate of heart attacks increases for
            fatigue, loss of libido, vaginal dryness,   DOCTOR                 women 10 years after menopause. It
            irritability and mood swings, slower   If you think that you may be starting   is believed that the drop in oestrogen
            metabolism  leading  to  weight   menopause, begin with a visit to your   production influences the flexibility and
            gain, thinning hair, dry skin and   doctor. A blood  test may be taken to   health of blood vessels.
            loss of breast fullness, among other   check your levels of specific hormones   “This drop in oestrogen can also lead
            symptoms,” she says.              and your doctor may want to first   to the development of osteoporosis,
              “Many women are anxious about   rule out the possibility of pregnancy,   a  condition  in  which  bone  density
            this experience and it is important to   which can sometimes be mistaken for   starts to decrease, making bones
            approach it with self-compassion and   menopause in later years.   more brittle and susceptible to injury.
            an awareness of your mental health,   Dr Hassim notes that there are a   Postmenopausal women are at a greater
            as it is a big life change. There are also   number of treatments available to   risk of developing osteoporosis than any
            a number of steps you can take and   relieve  severe symptoms  and  manage   other group,” Dr Hassim continues.
            constructive behaviours to introduce   any associated conditions, which vary   “Alcohol consumption has a negative
                                                                               impact on calcium production,  which
                                                                               can  heighten  this  risk  and  worsen
               “Starting an exercise programme, if you are not                 existing osteoporosis. Smoking and
                                                                               poor diet are other contributing factors.
                already on one, and eating healthier food can                  Doing regular weight-bearing exercises
                              make a big difference.”                          can go a long way to maintaining and

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