Page 7 - IFV_Issue 6_2022
P. 7

Estate News

           40km/h and all rules of public roads must   SALE OF A HOUSE OR STAND –   of  selling  the  house  is  unavoidably
           be followed within the estate, including   CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE   delayed.
           stopping at stop streets, not using cell   When a house is sold, a Clearance   It is kindly requested that each
           phones while driving, roadworthiness   Certificate must be issued by the   home owner ensures that there are
           of vehicles etc.  We must change the   Managing Agent. Before the Managing   Council-approved plans for their house
           culture in the estate to follow these rules   Agent can issue a Clearance Certificate,   lodged at the Estate Office when the
           and realise that we are accountable to   the Estate Manager needs to inspect the   property is purchased.  These plans
           each other to do this. Each resident must   house to determine:    must  be  updated  whenever  there  are
           pay attention to following our rules and   1.  Was the house built according to the   any alterations or changes made – and
           ensure their guests, contractors etc. are   approved plans at the Estate Office or   these revised plans must be approved
           aware of these rules and respect and   have there been any changes to the   by all the relevant authorities, including
           follow them.                       house, for example a patio added,   the City of Tshwane.
                                              which is not on the approved plans?
                                             2.  Was  a swimming pool  added  to  the   “Winter is the time for
                                              stand, but not added and approved   comfort, for good food
                                              on the plans?
                                             3.  Is the aesthetic appearance of the   and warmth, for the
                                              house in order according to the rules   touch of a friendly hand
                                              and regulations of the estate?  and for a talk beside the
                                             4.  Does the estate have plans in the
                                              office that were approved by the City   fire: it is time for home.”
                                              of Tshwane?                       - Edith Sitwell
                                              The experience is that the request for
                                             such  a  Clearance  Certificate  and  thus   Let us all enjoy our homes, family and
                                             the inspection is often only arranged at   friends again this winter.
                                             the end of the sale transaction. Should
                                             there then be an item that is faulty, for   Kind regards
                                             example not having approved City of   Estate Management
                                             Tshwane plans, then the whole process

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