Page 12 - IFV_Issue 7_2022
P. 12


             THE GIFTED


            Nicola Killops is mom to James, a                      hrough  a  series  of  articles,  Nicola  hopes  to  reach
                                                                   those  moms and  dads,  who  need to  hear  that  their
            twice-exceptional 18-year-old, and                Texperiences with having children that possibly don’t
            she lives in Johannesburg. Nicola                 fit into the ‘norm’, are not alone. There may be an explanation

            specialised in gifted education and               for their experience as a family.  With understanding and
            taught at the Radford House School                information, they can set their children on a path where they are
            for gifted children for many years. She           understood, nurtured, and allowed to be everything they can be.
                                                                We asked Nicola to elaborate more on her own experiences.
            recently left teaching and is now a

            writer, focusing on supporting parents            Q: You mentioned that your son is twice-exceptional.
            and teachers of children who are                  What does that mean?
                                                              NK: Twice-exceptional refers to a person that is intellectually
            ‘different’, according to mainstream              gifted but also has learning challenges like ADHD, dyslexia,
            views.                                            sensory  processing  issues,  or  autism.  Therefore,  they  are
                                                              referred to as ‘twice-exceptional’, or 2e, as they have exceptional
                                                              abilities and disabilities at the same time.

             10  •  Issue 7  2022  •  The Villager
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