Page 20 - IFV_Issue 7_2022
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             HOW TO LEVERAGE

             VISA-FREE TRAVEL

              TO TEACH ABROAD

                   fter two years of lockdown,   Countries that are open to South   Teaching English as a Foreign Language
                   travel doors have finally opened   Africans  include  Thailand,  Hong  Kong,   (TEFL) qualifications.
            Aup. South African passport       Ireland and Brazil – and these are some   “From  earning  potential  to  safety,
            holders can now access 104 countries   of the most popular destinations for   lifestyle,  and  a  lower  cost  of  living  –
            without obtaining a visa.         people looking to secure work teaching   there are a number of reasons why
              For  those looking to  spread their   English as a foreign language.  South Africans are interested in finding
            wings following the harsh restrictions   “With local unemployment rates   work abroad. Foreign English teachers
            of the pandemic lockdown, there is an   at an all-time high, tapping into the   typically make enough to save between
            opportunity to see the world, without   international job market exposes locals   30%  and 40%  of  their salaries  after
            the  cost and  hassle  of  long  embassy   to a wider pool of available positions,   expenses, allowing them to cover their
            queues and visa paperwork. If you   in countries with greater economic   bills while still enjoying the culture
            are considering embarking on a life   stability.  Teaching  English  is  a  great   and lifestyle of their chosen country.
            abroad, you can leverage the power of   way to fund an extended overseas   Travelling regionally is also far easier, so
            your South African passport to scope   stay, since it provides an opportunity   for example, those teaching in countries
            out your dream destinations, get a   to earn an income while travelling and   like Spain can explore France or Portugal
            feel for the local culture, meet up with   living abroad,” says Rhyan O’Sullivan,   when they have some time off,” says
            potential  employers,  and plan  living   Managing Director at The TEFL Academy,   O’Sullivan.
            arrangements.                     South Africa’s leading provider of   To secure a job overseas, prospective

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