Page 24 - IFV_Issue 7_2022
P. 24


    Photo by element5

                          SPRING FUN STARTS IN WINTER

                                                       BY CASEY BROWN

                      e’ve all heard that saying   Although September  is officially   a road trip through the Stellenbosch
                      “Your summer body starts   dubbed the start of spring in SA, if you’re   winelands  down  to  Hermanus.  The
            Win winter” right? But            keen to get down to the  West Coast   coastline around Hermanus and Walker
            that also applies to sorting out your   to see  those spectacular  wildflowers   Bay are known to be a favourite breeding
            holidays.  With the travel restrictions   blooming, it’s best to plan your trip for   spot  for  the  southern  right  whale. The
            being lifted, now’s a good time to dust   late July or early August.  whales travel up from the cold waters
            off that bucket list and start planning   August is also the best time for whale   of the Antarctic to our warmer waters
            for some adventure.               watching, so from the West Coast, plan   and migrate along the coast as far as
                                                                               Mozambique, before returning between
                                                                               October and December, to make their
                                                                               way  back  to  the  South  Pole.  You’ll  be
                                                                               able to get excellent views from the cliffs
                                                                               over Hermanus, or by joining a boat or
                                                                               helicopter tour of the area.

                                                     Photo by Grant Durr

                                                                                                     Photo by Amy Harrison

             22  •  Issue 7  2022  •  The Villager
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