Page 22 - IFV Issue 10 October 2023
P. 22


            provide deep, meaningful, and practical
              “Learning is more effective when
            supplemented with real-life experience,
            trial and error, and the practice of
            meaningful reflection.”

            Q: Can you share a particular
            success story from your
            programmes that resonates with
              A:  “One participant, a young man
            struggling with motivation and on
            the verge of engaging with drugs,
            experienced a dramatic mindset shift
            over three weeks. He redid his matric
            to  attend  university,  built  his  first
            meaningful relationship, and mended his
            family bonds.
              “The self-created motivation, tenacity,   Unlock true potential  This month’s question:
            and pride steered him towards a     If you’re a parent like me looking   What is the common
            fulfilling life path. His journey symbolises   for a supportive and engaging   name for the current
            the transformative potential of the   programme to help your teenage
            Experience.”                        son navigate these crucial years,   generation Angus
                                                I recommend exploring what the   Lowe programmes
            Q: How do you adapt your            Angus Lowe Experience offers. Find   cater for?
            experiences to cater to the         out more by visiting his website at             (Answer: Gen Z)
            different personalities and needs  or
            of the boys?                        email  him  at  admin@anguslowe.  T’s and C’s
              A: “Our programs are fundamentally
            flexible, designed to adapt to the    To help make his programme   •  Estates in Africa provides a place from
                                                                                Apr 13 to May 4, 2024,  Angus Lowe’s
            participant’s  unique  needs  and   more accessible to all, Angus offers   21-day Kruger Park Experience.
            developmental stages. The success of our   payment  plans,  partial  scholarships,   •  Winning participants must meet our
            approach rests largely on the mentors’   and guidance on fundraising.  safety requirements of following
            ability to individualise their methods                              safety directions and walking or
            and  connect  deeply  with  the  young   Win!                       jogging 2km over uneven ground in
            men. Understanding them for who they   Estates in Africa is excited to offer one   30min unassisted.
            are and who they aspire to become is   lucky winner a space on Angus’s next   •  The prize includes all activities, meals,
            paramount.”                         21-day experience in the Kruger Park   and accommodation during the
                                                worth R46,750. (April 13th to May 4th   course.
            Q: How does the programme           2024)                          •  You will need to arrange transport to
            ensure the safety and well-being      If  you  would  like  your  son  to   and from the programme location
            of participants during adventure-   participate, send your answer along   and purchase your personal kit as
            based activities?                   with your name, cell number, and   found on your gear list.
              A:  “Safety is our top priority. All   your  estate  or  complex  name  in
            staff members have adequate first-aid   the subject line to competitions@  •  The  prize  is  not  transferable  or
                                                                                exchangeable for cash.
            training, and we engage experienced  The winner will   •  Winners’  parents/guardians  must
            professionals for more vigorous activities.   be notified by email. The competition   complete our registration process and
            Additionally, we have an insurance policy   will run until Jan 31, 2024. Terms and   forms by Feb 15, 2024, or forfeit the
            with an elite African medical team that   conditions apply.         prize.
            can reach our location within 20-30
            minutes in case of emergencies.”

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