Page 19 - IFV Issue 4 May 2023
P. 19
Estate News
to the birdlife greeting each other and My Private Slice of Heaven in Africa
played peek-a-boo with young vervets Before I relate my subsequent
frolicking in the trees beside my porch. encounter, I must give context. My game
The only word to explain it is ‘peace.’ The drive experiences have always involved
purest peace I have known. an overcrowded vehicle and a strict,
One evening, I cooled down in the predetermined route and schedule.
beautifully designed swimming pool, Searching for a fleet of cars was the only
sipping a drink and gazing out at the way to tell where something interesting
watering hole. I had an incredibly had been spotted, and I’d have to crane
intimate encounter with two young my neck or raise my camera above my
elephant bulls. It was the sound of their head to get a decent photo.
tusks clashing that caught my attention. The private experience was something
I looked to see them engaged in a entirely different. It was life-affirming.
scuffle, each trying to tell the other who Not only did we have the vehicle to
was boss. Oblivious to my presence, they ourselves, our guide, Thomas, was
hashed it out for about an hour before incredible. I have never met someone
agreeing to disagree and enjoying a with such an innate knowledge and
refreshing drink. I would meet these understanding of the African bush.
two youngsters again the following We were not on a clock. We weren’t
morning. following a pre-determined route. We
went where the land took us. Thomas
could spot a spoor from 10 meters,
know the species, gender, and age of
said spoor maker, and knew exactly
where it went. I saw things I could never
have imagined.
And that’s where my two young bull
elephants re-enter the scene. They
had put all differences aside and were
casually strolling along when they
found another young bull. We were
already watching him bully a pair of
rhinos at a watering hole. He was in
musk, and highly agitated, furious at the
audacity of the rhino brothers’ attempt
to drink beside him. The rhinos were
having none of it and put the youngster
in his place, causing him to sulk on the
other side. The two young elephants
approached the watering hole and
sensed their fellow pachyderms’ distress.
They walked over to him and placed
their trunks around him. I could almost
hear them whispering reassurances and
talking him through some breathing
exercises. Like magic, he relaxed
completely, and sipped at his morning
refreshment in quiet companionship. It
was indescribably beautiful, and I felt
so privileged to witness such a private
moment between these sentient beasts.
The Villager • Issue 4 2023 • 17