Page 20 - IFV Issue 4 May 2023
P. 20

Estate News

            “In Africa, you have              They would build their nests exactly   they gaze in wonder, you know that a

            space… there is a                 above where they anticipated the flood   profoundly deep, spiritual experience
            profound sense of space           line. I saw a giraffe foetus wriggling in   is taking place somewhere inside them.
                                              its mother’s belly and knew, thanks to
            here, space and sky.”             my guide’s incredible knowledge, that   This is my favourite quote from Neil:

                       THABO MBEKI            she would be a mother by the following   “An African proverb says,
                                              sunset.                          ‘To get lost is to learn
              As we drove away, Thomas told us of   And after each morning and evening
            a secret spot we could travel to, to enjoy   adventure, my luxurious peace of   the way.’ Getting lost is
            our morning coffee. He took the Land   heaven awaited.  That  perfect  haven   simply a different way of
            Cruiser up a steep incline to a clearing   where I could put up my feet and   going on an adventure.
            that looked out over the reserve, all the   absorb the peace. My soul awakened
            way to the Kruger Park. I felt like Rafiki   in a way I never thought possible, and I   When you’re lost, it is
            in the opening scene of the Lion King,   saw the world through new eyes.  an opportunity to learn
            standing proudly, gazing down on the   As a writer, I get to learn new things   how to find yourself and
            splendour. And still, all I could hear was   every day. Travel is one of my favourite   listen to your thoughts,
            peace. A city girl doesn’t get much of   topics as I vicariously experience all the
            that. It brought me to tears.     amazing places on earth through my   your inner being, and
              I could write a book about all the   craft. And this is how I came to know   other people. It’s a
            fantastic experiences  Thomas shared   Neil De Jonge, Operations Manager   journey to self-discovery.
            with us. Everything was unique    and co-owner of Jewel of Africa Safaris.
            and intimate, from slowly driving   Neil knew by age 14 that he wanted   I learned this at a very
            alongside a pride of hunting lionesses   to share the splendours of Africa with  young age and have
            to watching the young Impala practice   others and has made a career out of   made it my life’s work
            their morning pronking (it’s a word). I   designing custom luxury safaris for   to help others embrace
            never realised the stories one could   globetrotters from all over the world.
            tell just by looking at a tree trunk or an   When you take someone from a busy   the adventure that
            abandoned anthill. I didn’t know birds   metropolis and place them in the vast   comes with exploring
            knew how much rain the season would   Namib Desert at night, I can guarantee   the world”
            bring long before any weatherman.   they have never seen so many stars. As

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