Page 19 - IFV Issue 7_2023
P. 19
WINTER EDITION! As temperatures drop and days get shorter, we are reminded that winter is on
its way. Winter is a time of rest and recovery in nature, and the same applies
to your garden. Just because it is cold and dry doesn’t mean you must stop
enjoying your garden. Water Wise has compiled some great tips on how you
can make the most of your winter landscape and use water responsibly.
June: It’s all about preparation done before the first frost hits. overall. However, water-stressed plants
• Winter in Gauteng often means less • Don’t worry about your yellowing will be more vulnerable to the cold, so
rain and more frost. Prepare your lawn in winter. Lawn requires a ensure your garden gets enough water
flower beds for cold, dry weather by resting period when it is allowed to to make it through winter.
spreading a layer of mulch over the go dormant. Resist the urge to over- • Try not to water your garden before a
soil. Mulch acts as a blanket, keeping water and only water your lawn once cold front hits, as the water may freeze,
the soil warm and preventing the loss a month in summer rainfall areas, and causing damage or death to your
of soil moisture. not at all in winter rainfall areas. plants.
• Identify all your frost-sensitive and • Remember that the evaporation rate on
vulnerable garden plants and protect the Highveld goes down to almost zero July: Winter is always welcome
them from frost with frost-netting, in the winter season. This means that • Even though it is cold and dry outside, a
hessian or frost guard. Make sure this is less watering is required in the garden winter garden needs as much care and
The Villager • Issue 7 2023 • 17