Page 21 - IFV Issue 8_2023
P. 21

Today’s Child

           to adequately process the material.   anxiety. Keep calm and focused.  throughout  the  test  to  keep  yourself
           Avoid cramming at all costs. Cramming   6. BE CONFIDENT.  Aim to do   alert and energised.
           does  not  allow  you  to  process  the   your best in the test and don’t allow   10. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE
           information, and often leads to   negative thoughts to cloud your mind.   CLOCK.  As soon as the test starts,
           students saying that they simply   Focus on what you know and what   note the time. Regularly check the
           forgot the work, or experienced a   you can do. Use positive self-talk to   clock  or  your  watch  so  that  you  are
           block. Cramming also creates anxiety   keep yourself on track during the test   constantly aware of the time. It is a
           because there is not sufficient time to   don’t - ever tell yourself  “I can’t do   good idea to divide the sections of
           prepare thoroughly.               this”. If you tell yourself you can’t, you   your test into test frames so that you
             3. CHUNKING.  Divide the study   probably won’t.                 work to a schedule.
           material into small, manageable pieces   7. QUESTION TYPES.  Be familiar   11. KEEP CALM and don’t freak
           so that you are not overwhelmed by   with the different types of questions   out.  When you get flustered, your
           the volume of work. Also, allocate   and the expectations thereof, e.g.   thinking brain switches off and you
           a timetable to your study sessions.   multiple  choice,  true  or  false,  ¬fill-  can’t easily extract the information you
           When you are working from a       in, short questions and essay-type   are looking for. If a speci¬fic question
           schedule, it is much easier to chunk   questions. Each of the questions posed   throws you off guard, close your eyes,
           your  time  effectively.  Work through   to you requires knowledge of HOW   take three deep breaths and carry on
           each section, one section at a time.   to answer it and it is essential that   – if you don’t know the answer to the
           Ensure that you understand what you   you answer it correctly. Familiarise   question, move on to the next one.
           are studying so that you can commit   yourself with the  different  types   You cannot afford to waste time trying
           it to long-term memory. Use a study   of question words that are used in   to ‘find’ the answers that don’t pop up
           method that works for you and don’t   tests, e.g. analyse, examine, explain,   immediately.
           try  new  methods  amidst  the  study   extrapolate, justify, etc., so that you   12. EDIT YOUR TEST. If you know
           session as this will simply confuse you   answer the questions correctly.  your work and work within time
           and eat into your time.            8. PUT THE HIGHLIGHTER          frames, you will finish the test. Tests
             4. DISTRACTIONS.  Take action   DOWN. There is no need to turn your   are not designed not to be completed!
           against possible distractions. Remove   question paper into a luminous work   Use  the  last  5-10 minutes  to  check
           the distractions from the room so that   of  art.  Students  often  go  overboard   your work.
           you are not tempted to be distracted.   with  the highlighter which  disputes   The  amount  of  time  you  put  into
           Alert the people in your home to   the point of extracting the relevant   preparing adequately for tests and the
           your study schedule so that they are   information. It can also be a very time-  rules you follow on the day play a large
           mindful of your activities.       consuming activity.              role in your overall performance. Be
             5. READY-STEADY-GO.  Ensure      9. POSTURE POWER.  Maintain     mindful of the expectation of each test
           that you have had a good night’s sleep   good  posture  whilst  writing  the  test.   in each subject so that you can go full
           the night before the test and eat a   Sit straight up in the chair with your   throttle in answering the paper.  Tests
           hearty breakfast in the morning. Avoid   feet flat on the floor. Try to keep your   naturally cause anxiety and uneasiness
           stimulants such as coffee and energy   back straight.  When you slouch, you   amongst students, but if you are well-
           drinks as they will simply spike your   squash your internal organs and this   prepared you will eliminate a large
           energy levels temporarily. Arrive at the   creates an uncomfortable work frame.   portion of the nervousness.
           test venue on time and avoid huddles   Furthermore, avoid leaning your   Back yourself and be
           of  people discussing  the  test as  this   head on your hand whilst writing as
           could expose you to unnecessary   it can make you sleepy. Drink water  confident – you’ve got this!

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