Page 13 - IFV Jan Feb Issue 2025
P. 13
Estate News
As part of our commitment to fostering a thriving and harmonious
community, we are pleased to share the mission, values, and guiding
principles recently approved by the HOA Board.
Irene Farm Villages remains a place we are all proud to call home. Thank you
for your continued partnership and involvement in making our community a
wonderful place to live.
Mission Values Approach
The Board accepts that it is ultimately The Homeowners’ Association, through Principles are based on fairness, inclusivity,
accountable and responsible for the the Board of Directors seeks: transparency, and a community-first
affairs of the Association. In managing • To ensure that the highest priority is approach while fostering growth,
and directing these affairs, the Board given to the security and wellbeing responsibility, and collaboration.
has the authority to exercise its powers of residents and staff employed by • Ensure rules are consistently and
(limited by the Companies Act and the the Association. actively applied and interpreted,
Memorandum of Incorporation) to • To safeguard and grow the market promoting fairness and clarity for all
perform the functions of the Association values of properties within the members.
and delegate certain powers to sub- estate. • Balance empathy for individual
committees of the Board or employees • To adopt a responsible and members’ needs with the responsibility
of the Association. conservative approach to the to act in the best interest of the
The Board is committed to maintain finances of the Association, majority, ensuring fairness and unity
Irene Farm Villages as a sought-after particularly as its income is largely within the community.
residential estate offering a unique limited to levies payable by • Exercise restraint in levying penalties,
village and country lifestyle in the heart members. focusing instead on fostering positive
of Gauteng. • To negotiates in good faith with all behavioural change and compliance
suppliers for the mutual benefit of through constructive engagement.
both parties, while ensuring fair • Strive to govern in a culturally
value for the estate. sensitive manner that respects
• To preserve the natural environment and acknowledges the diverse
in the estate and encourage the backgrounds of members while
maintenance of a village spirit. ensuring fair and inclusive decision-
• To develop and maintain sound making for the broader community.
and professional relationships and • Maintain open and regular
engagements with local and other communication with members
relevant authorities. through diverse channels, providing
• To function with the highest levels of opportunities for interaction and
integrity, honesty and respect. fostering understanding of the Board’s
decisions and rationale.
IMPORTANT NUMBERS Police Emergency 10111
Lyttelton Police Station 012 644 8600
Pierre van Ryneveld 079 528 1630
Irene Farm Villages: Community Policing Forum
Estate Office 012 662 3505 Fire Emergency 10177
Estate Manager 066 008 8523 Medical Emergency 082 911
Assistant Estate Manager 081 899 8918 Security at Gates 012 662 3505 ext 3
Managing Agent: 082 780 0059 Protea Coin Shift Manager 082 838 7779
Account Ability • Fax: 086 671 9798 • Irene Farm Controller 082 947 7610
The Villager • Jan / Feb 2025 • 11