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“We are an independent school
CARLSWALD HOUSE registered with the Provincial
Education Department, and a
member of the Independent
PREPARATORY & 345 NURSERY SCHOOL Schools Association of Southern
Africa (ISASA),” they explain.
Carlswald House Preparatory School is a school of great contrasts. At the 345 Nursery School, they
It is a small family school which is set in a park-like and tranquil strive to educate the children
environment, yet it serves one of the most rapidly growing business in a safe, secure and fun-loving
environment. There’s a support
and residential areas in Gauteng. structure that will provide
your children with maximum
learning experiences. “Children
arlswald House Preparatory need a relationship of trust and
School is a school whose understanding with their teachers in
Cphilosophy values humanity order to feel safe and secure and we
and consideration over materialism, provide this foundation for eff ective
yet it has the facilities and education. Teaching is not our
educational apparatus to ensure profession, it’s our passion,” they say.
that its pupils are exposed to the
most modern trends in education. “At 345, we are open all year round.
The school has a great balance We understand hard-working
between Academics, Culture and parents, and strive to recognise
Sport so that the children get the opportunities that will make all
holistic approach to modern day mums’ and dads’ days as convenient
learning. as possible.”
The way in which the teachers do School gates are suitably opened
this is through making thinking at 06h30 for all parents who would
visible using the 8 Thinking need to drop their kids off early
Maps. Higher Order Thinking and each day.
Questioning are part of daily life and
specific critical thinking lessons are
taught. STEM (Science, Technology, For further information
Engineering and Mathematics) please contact:
rounds off the Senior Prep
curriculum where the children learn Admin Office: 011 029 0802
through problem solving. DeBono’s or 011 029 0803
Thinking Hats is currently used in Email:
the higher grades of the school and 82 Lyncon Road, Midrand
was introduced across the whole
school in 2018, with Habits of Mind
introduced in 2019.
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 12 • 2018
20 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2019