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                                  SERVICE PROVIDERS

                                               ‡ %3 .\DODPL LV D           GD\ D \HDU UHWDLO
          MEDICAL                              ‡ %3 .\DODPL LV D           GD\ D \HDU UHWDLO   certificates, ener
                                                                                     certificates, energy saving
                                               operation that consists of a petrol station a Pick
          ‡ 'U <YRQQH +R\                      operation that consists of a petrol station, a Pick   0861 102 174 / 083 380 9512
                                                                                     0861 102 174 /
          Family dentistry, tooth whitening, specialised  n Pay Express Store and the BP Award winning
          cosmetic dentistry.                  Wild Bean Café, providing delicious hot and cold   PAINT & BUILDING SUPPLIES
          011 466 1950                         snacks and fresh coffee. Email: bpkyalami@  ‡ &RORXU &UHDWLRQV
                                                                  Paint, hardware, plumbing and building
          ‡ %RG\ /RJLF 3K\VLRWKHUDS\           011 466 0516                          suppliers in Kyalami.
          Sunninghill Village Shopping Centre                                        011 466 0065
          Maxwell Drive cnr Edison Crescent    SHUTTLE SERVICES
            Rubix                                 LANDSCAPING
          011 027 8526 / 072 624 6988          Rubix is a professional transport business   Green Creations
                                               that provides a safe, reliable and flexible   Great garden landscapers, complete
          ‡ 2FFXSDWLRQDO +HDOWK 0HGLFDO 6FUHHQLQJ  service for scholars, individuals and   solutions, minimising costs, maximising
          (Red tickets) and Travel Clinic      corporate clients. Thakane Kolobe     quality of the service. Contact  Michelle
              %HNNHU 5RDG  9RUQD 9DOOH\  0LGUDQG  082 434 9605                       082 901 1530
          Booking is essential:
   PET & HOME SITTER                    ‡ /LIH /DQGVFDSHV
          082 862 7892                         ‡ +DSS\ DW KRPH                       Award-winning landscaping! Our passion
                                               An elderly couple with several years of experience   for service, quality and LIFE is evident in all
          GENERAL SERVICES                     will care for your precious pets in the security of   our installation, maintenance and irrigation
          EXTRA LESSONS                        your home. We have contactable references (   projects
          ‡ .\DODPL .XPRQ &HQWUH               Dainfern, Kyalami Estates, Fourways Gardens,,
          Develop a solid foundation in Maths  Waterford Estate etc). Contact Henry and Deidre
          DQG (QJOLVK  *U    *U    0DGHOHLQ DW  GHLGUHGHYLQH  #JPDLO FRP             011 959 1000
          082 335 5096
          082 558 6038                                                               PLUMBING
                                               ‡ , DP DYDLODEOH WR ORRN DIWHU \RXU EHORYHG SHWV   Sandton Plumbers & Solar
          ‡ 3LDQR OHVVRQV RIIHUHG E\ D KLJKO\ TXDOLILHG   when you go on holiday. I am also a dog owner   Maintenance, Renovations & New
          and experienced piano teacher (BA,HED,LTCL).   and a dog lover. Please contact Helen.  Installations
          Positive results assured. Exams and   082 552 3418                         Solar Geysers / Heat Pumps, Backup
          competitions.                                                              Water Systems, Drain Cleaning
          Contact Diana - 082 960 8102         ‡ )XUU\ .LG]                          Over 30 years’ experience
                                               Passionate about your dog’s well being. Offering   083 460 9870
          ‡ <RJD                               holistic services for your pet. Doggy day care,
          Personalised yoga tuition offered at a private   luxury accommodation, puppy and adolescent   SECURITY
          home studio in Kyalami Estates, either on a one-  dog training. Please contact Linsey Lester   ‡ ,QIDQWU\ 6HFXULW\
          on-one basis or to small groups.     DipCABT (NOCN UK) CAPBT Practitioner.  Installers of Alarms, Outdoor Beams,
 Please contact Kisane,  CCTV (view via mobile), Intercoms (inter
          076 410 9389                         ‡ 072 595 3782                        communication),  Gate Motors and Good
          COMPUTERS                            HOME SERVICES, BUILDING &             011 315-5055 or 082 438 9774.
          We offer a wide variety of products and   ‡ $5&+,7(&7
          services including new PCs, notebooks,   Drawbox Design Studio
          Tablets, Printers, Networking products, all   The Leader in providing sustainable building       « Emergency
          PC/NB related cables and accessories. We   solutions. Contact Carlu Swart
          also offer repairs on all PC’s and NB’s both   082 339 5834                Ambulance                   10177
          software and hardware problems                                             Ambulance/ Fire/ Metro   011 315 5911
        ‡ %8,/',1*                            Animals in Distress     011 466 0261
          011 466 0434/5                       Zotos Property Group                  Carstenhof Clinic       011 655 5500
                                               Specialising in design and construction  Crime Stop           086 001 0111
                                                                                     Fire                        10177
          TYRES                                086 197 2537
                                                                                     Fire & Ambulance Midrand               011 847 4600
          ‡ 6XSD 4XLFN
                                                                                     Midrand Trauma Support   076 979 9017
          Tyres, Shocks, Exhausts, Wheels,  Towbar,   ‡ )LUHSODFHV   &KLPQH\V
                                                                                     Midrand Vetinary Hospital              011 315 1575
          Balancing and Wheel Alignment. Call-  Repairs, services, parts, installations,
                                                                                     Netcare Ambulance          082911
          out service also available from Kyalami   relocate any make or model.      Police Flying Squad         10111
          Boulevard.                           &KLPQH\ FOHDQLQJ DQG ÀUHSODFH PDLQWHQDQFH   Police Midrand    011 347 1600
          0                                    072 119 3872  / 064 573 9825 /        SPCA                    011 265 9935
          011 466 6076 /7
                                               076 813 8420                          SPCA Midrand Emergency              083 441 1564
          ‡ $XWRVSRUW :KHHO   7\UH                                                   Sunninghill Hospital    011 806 1500
          All Major T                          ELECTRICIAN                           Sunninghill Village Vet   011 803 1221
          All Major Tyre Brands, Balancing & Wheel
          $OLJQPHQW       WK 5RDG  +DOIZD\ +RXVH   ‡ 7D\ORU (OHFWULFDO               Waterfall Hospital      011 304 6600
          011 315 7550
          011   15 7                           Domestic, commercial, industrial, compliance
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