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P. 15

The lift shaft opened
                                                                    two years ago.

                                                                         raskop is an agreeable little pancakes and coffee shops
                                                                         sort of town. It sits on the edge of the Great Escarpment
                                                                         looking down on to the Lowveld with a distant view of
                                                                  G.UXJHU 3DUN  $IWHU WKH GHYDVWDWLQJ ÀUH  SHRSOH LQ WKH WRZQ
                                                                  WROG PH KRZ WKH\·G VSHQW D QLJKW KXGGOHG WRJHWKHU IHDULQJ WKH ÁDPHV
                                                                  would engulf the town.

                                                                  , UHFDOO DW WKH WLPH KRZ  LQ WKH VWLOO VPRXOGHULQJ DQG EODFNHQHG
                                                                  ODQGVFDSH  WKH VLJKW RI WKH UDYLQH RQ WKH HGJH RI WKH WRZQ  EULP IXOO
                                                                  RI IRUHVW WUHHV  ZDV JUHHQ DQG OXVK  7KH JRUJH LV D ORQJ  GHHS JDVK LQ
                                                                  the Escapement. It is as if a giant axe has sliced into the landscape
                                                                  splitting it down almost to the level of the Lowveld
                                                                  1 000 metres below.
                                                                  I stood on its edge and stared down into what was one of South
                                                                  $IULFD·V PRVW P\VWHULRXV QDWXUDO WUHDVXUHV  7UHHV  VRPH PDVVLYH
                                                                  ÀOOHG WKH UDYLQH ZDOO WR ZDOO DQG , ZRQGHUHG ZKDW ZDV KLGGHQ EHORZ
                                                                  the dense canopy; what manner of birds and other forest creatures
                                                                  lived down there in the deep shade and in the silence.
                                                                  1RZ , NQRZ  0DU\ DQG , ZHQW GRZQ WKHUH   LQ D JODVV OLIW

                                                                  7ZR \HDUV DJR  WKH ¶*UDVNRS *RUJH /LIW &R· FRPSOHWHG D GHYHORSPHQW
                                                                  DERYH WKH JRUJH IURP ZKHUH D    SDVVHQJHU JODVV ZDOOHG OLIW QRZ
                                                                  GHVFHQGV EHORZ WKH FDQRS\  ,W VORZO\ WDNHV RQH GRZQ  QRW WR WKH
                                                                  IRUHVW ÁRRU EXW WR WKH PLGGOH VWRUH\ DV LW ZHUH  +HUH  RQH VWHSV RQWR
                                                                  D VWRXW ZRRGHQ SODWIRUP  7KLV     PHWUH FLUFXODU ZDONZD\ WDNHV RQH
                                                                  among the giant branches and close to the trunks of centuries old
                                                                  \HOORZZRRG WUHHV  WKH ¶UHDO· \HOORZZRRGV ² Pardocarpus latifolius
                                                                  LURQZRRG  VWLQNZRRG DQG IRUHVW IHYHU WUHHV  7KHLU UHPDUNDEOH VL]HV
                                                                  DUH ULYDOOHG RQO\ E\ WKH SRFNHWV RI IRUHVW DORQJ WKH &DSH·V 6RXWK
                                                 The jump         &RDVW
                                                 off point for
                                                 bungee fans      +DG , EHHQ ZDUQHG RI WKH GHYHORSPHQW GXULQJ P\ WLPH DV D
                                                 is also the      campaigning environmental journalist I would have vigorously
                                                 departure point   appealed against it.
                                                 for the cable    “Sacrilege!” I would have cried. “Why destroy the integrity of one
                                                 rides.           of the country’s last surviving native forests just so the public can

                                                                                    Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2020  13
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