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For most of us, ecluttering one’s home and have built their businesses around helping
people who are too busy, too disorganised,
one’s life has a number of
it’s impossible to advantages – this includes or simply downsizing. It’s often easier to get
an objective third party skilled and practised
time-saving, cost savings and,
imagine life without Dto feel happier. in the art of streamlining a home and if you
amazingly, simply being able
don’t have the energy or the inclination to do
all the materialism, PLANNING it yourself, it may be worthwhile calling one
of them in.
the baggage that As with any worthwhile exercise, it all starts Should you prefer the DIY approach, decide
with planning. We’re all aware to some
weighs us down extent of the need to sit down and re- on the time of day and how much time you
examine such things as insurance policies,
are willing to take out of your schedule – you
constantly. Well, retirement plans and medical aids at least may be a morning person and it may suit
there’s no better once a year. ‘Spring cleaning’ and de- you to get going early eg. from 5am to 7am
every morning; or you may prefer to get stuck
cluttering the home is just as important, but
time to re-evaluate how many of us really get round to doing it? in after lunch or in the evening. Remember,
most sorting will require physical activity –
what’s truly The best way to tackle these challenges is to and light, be aware of when load-shedding
will be taking place at night, and make sure
start with a complete overview, written down
essential than the and mapped out. Then add a time frame you have battery-powered lights available for
those times.
arrival of a new year. needing attention. WHERE TO START?
SETTING A ROUTINE Two of the most neglected areas in most
Clutter in the home can be annoying as homes are the kitchen and the wardrobes. If
often it leads to essential everyday items you have the time and you’re not concerned
getting lost in the chaos. Some homes have DERXW ÁDJJLQJ HQHUJ\ OHYHOV SODQQLQJ WZR
become so overwhelmingly disorganised hours sorting through one of your wardrobes
that there are actually professionals who DQG WZR KRXUV LQ D VSHFLÀF DUHD RI \RXU
24 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2020