Page 18 - Issue 3 2020 - Kyalami Connect
P. 18

        Kyalami Estates
        Brand Manual


            SWIMMING POOL


            Filtration is at the heart of every swimming pool’s success or failure.

                   aving a swimming pool in     the filter medium needs to at some stage
                   today's times means we       be cleaned. However, our behaviour from
                   actually have a serious expense   years past shows that we would rather
            Hto cope with. Chemicals, energy    add more chemicals, add more cost by
            and water aren't cheap. To save energy   visiting the Pool Store for that ‘Quick
            and costs, we may shop around and, very   Fix’ and by backwashing even more
            often, we’ll compromise on chemicals,   because the pool cleaner just doesn't
            and shorten filtration running cycles, but   run like it used to. That’s because we
            are all of these ‘solutions’ the best way to   all know how much of a ‘shlep’ sand
            manage our pool’s maintenance?      changes can be.

            There’s evidence all around us - whether   Many customers are seeking
            it’s Johannesburg, Cape Town, the Vaal   simplification. They are developing a   In summary, the real benefits of
            River or our dams, that South Africa and   conscious mind-set to save water, find   Eco-Fiber are:
            the world at large have a water problem.   easy to clean filters and really start to   • Eco-Fiber means crystal clear water.
            FACT - The average pool wastes 800 litres   love their pool again.       • Eco-Fiber pays for itself by reduced
            of water per week on a backwash/rinse,                                   water consumption.
            that's 3 200 litres per month. There are   So let us introduce you to Eco-Fiber.   • Eco-Fiber is 100% recyclable, making
            over 1 million swimming pools in South   When using Eco-Fiber, you NEVER need to   it completely environmentally friendly.
            Africa alone, do the maths.         backwash and waste water again which   • Eco-Fiber means NO more heavy bags
                                                means you are spending minimal time and   – 1kg of Eco-Fiber replaces 40kg of
            Of course, there are many other     effort to maintain your pool.        Filter Sand.
            contributing factors to our water crisis,                                • Eco-Fiber is suitable for all filter
            but the water wastage through swimming   Increasingly, consumers, institutions and   types.
            pool maintenance is definitely a major   companies want to know what changing   • Eco-Fiber has an estimated 2 - 3
            factor. However, the desire for the average   over to Eco-Fiber entails, how long   years life span.
            person to make a ‘real’ change to their   cleaning with Eco-Fiber takes, how often
            Swimming Pool Habits seems to be driven   must Eco-Fiber be cleaned, how long   To find out more, get in touch with
            by things like time and effort, more that   Eco-Fiber lasts, what changes can they   Prestige Pool Services. With over
            water conservation.                 expect when using Eco-Fiber and where   20 years’ experience in the business,
                                                can Eco-Fiber be purchased? In fact, the   be sure that they have the answers to
            MAINTAINING THE FILTRATION SYSTEM   most important question should be, what   your every swimming pool question.
            IS A CHORE                          is Eco-Fiber made of? The short answer
            For pool maintenance to be effective,   is, 100% Virgin Polyester (PET) Polymer   Call Danny on 071 458 2835
            water needs to be filtered to maintain   Fibre. Eco-Fiber can therefore be recycled   or visit
            clarity. Be it sand, glass, or cartridge,   100% again and again.

         16 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2020
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