Page 23 - Kyalami Issue 1 2021
P. 23

Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
                                                                                  3.0  Folder (Inner)
                                                        Red-necked Pademelon

                                                                                7. Balcony Concerts by Catherine Cordasco
 5. Know the symptoms by Philippe Mathieu
        – a small studio in my leafy back garden in   understood at a glance. The vibrant colour   subject. It’s my companion as I create. I draw
        Dublin. I’m lucky to have it, but my dream is   palette grabs your attention immediately.  coffee, I draw with coffee, I draw in coffee
        to someday have a bigger space of my own. I                              shops, I draw coffee machines... you get the
        wonder what I will make then?        I’m Holly, I am a 22-year-old aspiring creative   picture? Even the word ‘coffee’ is beautiful
                                             designer. I’m at my happiest when I’m so   to me. It’s my ritual to ground myself, to find
        SPREADING KINDNESS                   invested in a project or illustration it almost   inspiration and to keep positive energies in my
        “Lately I’ve been trying to find happiness in   becomes a form of meditation. When you’re   work. So grab an espresso while you watch my
        the little things in my everyday life. I want to be   so focused on the act of creating that   work – cheers.
        living in the present.”              everything else just melts away. That’s one
                                             of the most powerful things about art for   PERSONAL HYGIENE
        3. We all share the same shadows by Gaia   me, not the end product as such, but the   6. Personal Hygiene by Chloe Tabarie
        Maritano                             way it makes you feel while you’re creating   Chloe's illustration is aimed at young children,
        We all share the same shadows but together   it. I recently graduated from advertising and   to make them understand the importance
        we can spread light too.             branding design, then I went on to join the   of personal hygiene. #washyourhandsChloe
                                             University of Bedfordshire as a marketing   TABARIE
        I actually don’t know how to define myself and   and communications assistant. I’ve moved
        what I do. My name is Gaia, I’m from Italy and   around quite a bit, including living in Leipzig,   I’m a multidisciplinary designer currently
        I’m not an illustrator, nor a graphic designer,   Germany for six years, but now I’m settled in   finishing my last year of graphic design at
        nor a photographer. People always tell me,   Harpenden. If money was no object, I would   Camberwell College of Arts. Born from a
        “Gaia, you have to choose!” But, here I am,   start a non-profit shop to help clean up the   Taiwanese mother and a French father, I
        still undecided. Thinking about what makes us   oceans.                  grew up in France and Hong Kong before
        happy is always a good challenge. Happiness                              coming to study in London. I love observing
        is something we take for granted when we   5. Know the symptoms by Philippe Mathieu  people – my parents tell me that when I was
        feel it, so we rarely dig for the reasons why.   I wanted to make it as most straightforward as   a baby I would stare at people with wide
        Many things make me happy, but when I really   possible with a glimpse of humour.  open eyes (a bit like Dory in Finding Nemo) –
        think about it, the biggest feelings of happiness                        and my happiness stems from other people’s
        always come from something very, very small,   I’m a Montreal-based illustrator and cartoonist   joy. Two summers ago, I remember sitting at
        like a single red thread woven into a much bigger   who loves to laugh and to draw. You’ll usually   the dinner table surrounded by all my family
        picture. It could be restoring my grandma’s shirt   find me sipping a coffee while listening to jazz   from my father’s side. With our bellies full
        or hearing an untold story for the first time. That   and drawing. I thrive when my work triggers   and our wine glasses empty, we turned on
        small red thread, for me, comes from creating   reactions: either laughter, a smile, a reflection   the music really loud and started to dance
        light and taking care of one another.  or deeper thoughts. Images and words are my   and sing. Everyone was full of joy, with big
                                             tools for communicating ideas and I’m always   smiles on their faces, and it was one of the
        KNOWING THE SYMPTOMS                 looking for the right combination to help me   happiest moments of my life.
        4. Covid-19 Symptoms by Holly Wells  articulate the world. Coffee is what makes me
        I wanted to illustrate the symptoms of   happiest. Quite simply. Coffee is a central part   SOLIDARITY
 6. Personal Hygiene by Chloe Tabarie  coronavirus in a way that can be easily   of my visual world and my favourite ongoing   “Sometimes life is full of laughter, sometimes

                                                                                   Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 2021 21
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