Page 13 - Kyalami Issue 3 2021
P. 13

The pie charts below tell us a bit more about our fellow residents in Kyalami Estates. Interestingly
 Property Talk with Rob Hudson of
 Property Talk with Rob Hudson of
     almost 70% of owners have owned in the estate for 8 years or longer.  Like the above finding, this stat
 almost 70% of owners have owned in the estate for 8 years or longer.  Like the above finding, this stat
     highlights the propensity for people to stay, which has to talk to the quality of lifestyle experienced in
 highlights the propensity for people to stay, which has to talk to the quality of lifestyle experienced in
     the estate.
 the estate.
      The pie charts below tell us a bit more about our fellow residents in Kyalami Estates. Interestingly
 Property Talk with Rob Hudson of   The pie charts below tell us a bit more about our fellow residents in Kyalami Estates. Interestingly
      almost 70% of owners have owned in the estate for 8 years or longer.  Like the above finding, this stat
     The charts also clearly illustrate which market the estate appeals to the most, being the ‘family’
 The charts also clearly illustrate which market the estate appeals to the most, being the ‘family’
      highlights the propensity for people to stay, which has to talk to the quality of lifestyle experienced in
     segment with two thirds of new owners between 36 - 49 years old.
 ONE  segment with two thirds of new owners between 36 - 49 years old.
      the estate.
                                        Profile of Owners in Kyalami Estates
                                  Profile of Owners in Kyalami Estates
 What a magnificent 16 years we have spent in Kyalami Estates, having moved here when our daughter
 What a magnificent 16 years we have spent in Kyalami Estates, having moved here when our daughter   The charts also clearly illustrate which market the estate appeals to the most, being the ‘family’
 was 2 years old and our son 1.  Sunninghill had been exceptionally good to my wife and myself in our
 was 2 years old and our son 1.  Sunninghill had been exceptionally good to my wife and myself in our   segment with two thirds of new owners between 36 - 49 years old.
 early marriage days, but then came the need for space, freedom and privacy and we could not have
 early marriage days, but then came the need for space, freedom and privacy and we could not have   Profile of Owners in Kyalami Estates
 made a better choice than Kyalami Estates.
 made a better choice than Kyalami Estates.
 What a magnificent 16 years we have spent in Kyalami Estates, having moved here when our daughter
 was 2 years old and our son 1.  Sunninghill had been exceptionally good to my wife and myself in our
 By way of short introduction and background, I have 25 years experience in the field of financial /
 By way of short introduction and background, I have 25 years experience in the field of financial /
 early marriage days, but then came the need for space, freedom and privacy and we could not have
 banking research and strategy, co-owning a company called ‘KPI Research and Strategy’, that assists 4
 banking research and strategy, co-owning a company called ‘KPI Research and Strategy’, that assists 4
 made a better choice than Kyalami Estates.
 of the top 5 banks with their market intelligence and research requirements.  Coupled with this line of   R  R
 of the top 5 banks with their market intelligence and research requirements.  Coupled with this line of
 By way of short introduction and background, I have 25 years experience in the field of financial /
 business I have 20 years experience in the property sector; locally in sales and as developer of Thorny
 business I have 20 years experience in the property sector; locally in sales and as developer of Thorny
 banking research and strategy, co-owning a company called ‘KPI Research and Strategy’, that assists 4
 Bush Golf Estate, as well as internationally representing the ENL Property Group of Mauritius since
 Bush Golf Estate, as well as internationally representing the ENL Property Group of Mauritius since
 of the top 5 banks with their market intelligence and research requirements.  Coupled with this line of
 2005 (our estates include Heritage Villas Valriche, La Balise Marina and Moka Smart City).  When the   R
 2005 (our estates include Heritage Villas Valriche, La Balise Marina and Moka Smart City).  When the
 business I have 20 years experience in the property sector; locally in sales and as developer of Thorny
 opportunity arose to take on RE/MAX representation in Kyalami Estates, I didn’t hesitate.  When it
 opportunity arose to take on RE/MAX representation in Kyalami Estates, I didn’t hesitate.  When it
 Bush Golf Estate, as well as internationally representing the ENL Property Group of Mauritius since
 comes to ‘work’ my career path has undoubtedly been driven by my passion for ‘research’ and
 comes to ‘work’ my career path has undoubtedly been driven by my passion for ‘research’ and
 2005 (our estates include Heritage Villas Valriche, La Balise Marina and Moka Smart City).  When the
 ‘property sales’.  When it comes to life my passion is family.  I am now blessed to have this opportunity
 ‘property sales’.  When it comes to life my passion is family.  I am now blessed to have this opportunity
 opportunity arose to take on RE/MAX representation in Kyalami Estates, I didn’t hesitate.  When it
 of merging all 3 of my passions into one job.
 of merging all 3 of my passions into one job.
 comes to ‘work’ my career path has undoubtedly been driven by my passion for ‘research’ and
 ‘property sales’.  When it comes to life my passion is family.  I am now blessed to have this opportunity
 In this publication I look forward to providing market insights and updates that are intended to be
 In this publication I look forward to providing market insights and updates that are intended to be
 of merging all 3 of my passions into one job.
 relevant and informative.  In this first edition I thought it would be opportune to take a holistic view of
 relevant and informative.  In this first edition I thought it would be opportune to take a holistic view of
 how property is performing in Kyalami Estates and to also reflect on the profile of owners in the estate.
 how property is performing in Kyalami Estates and to also reflect on the profile of owners in the estate.
 In this publication I look forward to providing market insights and updates that are intended to be
 It must be noted that I have obtained my data from a range of sources including Lightstone, Prop24
 It must be noted that I have obtained my data from a range of sources including Lightstone, Prop24
 relevant and informative.  In this first edition I thought it would be opportune to take a holistic view of
 portal and “”.
 how property is performing in Kyalami Estates and to also reflect on the profile of owners in the estate.
 portal and “”.
 The 2 graphs, to the right and below   Kyalami Estates Average Property Price (median price in R millions)
 It must be noted that I have obtained my data from a range of sources including Lightstone, Prop24
 The 2 graphs, to the right and below
 Kyalami Estates Average Property Price (median price in R millions)
 show the average R-value (in millions)   3,88  3,98  4 3,98  3,88  4  4
 portal and “”.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 show the average R-value (in millions)
 The 2 graphs, to the right and below
 of properties transferred in Kyalami   4  Kyalami Estates Average Property Price (median price in R millions)
 of properties transferred in Kyalami
 Estates over the past 9 years. The good   3,5  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 show the average R-value (in millions)
 Estates over the past 9 years. The good
 of properties transferred in Kyalami
 news is our property sales values well   3,5  2,98 4  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 news is our property sales values well
 Estates over the past 9 years. The good
 demonstrate a consistent growth in   3  3  3,5  3,40
 demonstrate a consistent growth in
 news is our property sales values well
 average sales price (property value)   2,5  2,5  3  2,98  3
 average sales price (property value)
 demonstrate a consistent growth in
 over the period, with an overall   2  Although only 2% of existing owners are in the 18-35 year segment, which can be anticipated from an
 over the period, with an overall
 average sales price (property value)
     Although only 2% of existing owners are in the 18-35 year segment, which can be anticipated from an
 appreciation of around 35%.  Kyalami   2  2,5  a‰ordability perspective, its good to see that 15% of the recent buyers are in this segment.
                                                              In summary, these baseline indicators reflect an estate
          which surely reflects the quality of lifestyle experienced in
 appreciation of around 35%.  Kyalami
 over the period, with an overall
     a‰ordability perspective, its good to see that 15% of the recent buyers are in this segment.
      Although only 2% of existing owners are in the 18-35 year segment, which can be anticipated from an
 Estates is a premium estate and ranked   1,5  1,5  2  Hopefully this percentage continues to grow as first and second time buyers increasingly recognise
                                                              that has shown a consistent and sustainable growth
          the estate.
 Estates is a premium estate and ranked
 appreciation of around 35%.  Kyalami
     Hopefully this percentage continues to grow as first and second time buyers increasingly recognise
      a‰ordability perspective, its good to see that 15% of the recent buyers are in this segment.
 by Lightstone in the top 15% of SA   1  1,5  the benefits of owning in the estate.   trend in terms of asset appreciation. It is still affordable,
 by Lightstone in the top 15% of SA
 Estates is a premium estate and ranked
          The charts also clearly illustrate which market the estate
      Hopefully this percentage continues to grow as first and second time buyers increasingly recognise
 estates from a pricing perspective, yet   0,5  1  1  the benefits of owning in the estate.   with an average sales price of R4m and is evidently an
                                                              environment / community where owners are content as
          appeals to the most, being the ‘family’ segment, with two
 by Lightstone in the top 15% of SA
 estates from a pricing perspective, yet
      the benefits of owning in the estate.
 with an average sales price of only R4m   0,5  In summary, these baseline indicators reflect on an estate that has shown a consistent and
          thirds of new owners being between 36 - 49 years old.
                                                              seen with low levels of annual churn. I am sure the vast
 estates from a pricing perspective, yet
 with an average sales price of only R4m
     In summary, these baseline indicators reflect on an estate that has shown a consistent and
 for a typical 4 bedroom, freehold home,   0  0  0,5  sustainable growth trend in terms of asset appreciation.  Is still a‰ordable with an average sales price
                                                              majority of us are very pleased that we have made this
 with an average sales price of only R4m
 for a typical 4 bedroom, freehold home,
      In summary, these baseline indicators reflect on an estate that has shown a consistent and
                                                              estate our home.
          Although only 2% of existing owners are in the 18 - 35 years
     sustainable growth trend in terms of asset appreciation.  Is still a‰ordable with an average sales price
 the Estate continues to o‰er   - - -  0  Linear Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)   of R4m and is evidently an environment / community where owners are content as seen with low
      sustainable growth trend in terms of asset appreciation.  Is still a‰ordable with an average sales price
 the Estate continues to o‰er
          segment, which can be anticipated from an affordability
 for a typical 4 bedroom, freehold home,  Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)
     of R4m and is evidently an environment / community where owners are content as seen with low
 exceptional value for money.  - - - Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)   Linear Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)   levels of annual churn. I am sure the vast majority of us are very pleased with making this home.
 the Estate continues to o‰er
          perspective, it’s good to see that 15% of recent buyers are
                                                              In upcoming articles, we will cover topics such as how
 exceptional value for money.  - - - Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)   Linear Kyalami Estate Avr Property Price (R m)   of R4m and is evidently an environment / community where owners are content as seen with low
     levels of annual churn. I am sure the vast majority of us are very pleased with making this home.
 exceptional value for money.  The figure to the left shows the number of sales that   In upcoming articles we will cover topics such as how Kyalami Estates performs relative to other
                                                              Kyalami Estates performs relative to other estates, how you
          in this segment.
      levels of annual churn. I am sure the vast majority of us are very pleased with making this home.
     In upcoming articles we will cover topics such as how Kyalami Estates performs relative to other
                                                              can self-calculate your property value and more. We will
 The figure to the left shows the number of sales that
 Kyalami Estates Average No. of Annual Sales  happen in Kyalami Estates each year.  In 2013 we had a   estates, how one can self-calculate your property value and the likes.  We will also look at property
      In upcoming articles we will cover topics such as how Kyalami Estates performs relative to other
 The figure to the left shows the number of sales that
          Hopefully, this percentage continues to grow as first and
                                                              also look at property matters beyond the walls of Kyalami
     estates, how one can self-calculate your property value and the likes.  We will also look at property
 Kyalami Estates Average No. of Annual Sales  happen in Kyalami Estates each year.  In 2013 we had a   matters beyond the walls of Kyalami Estates such as how the property transfer process works,
      estates, how one can self-calculate your property value and the likes.  We will also look at property
 bit of an anomaly in terms of sales volumes, at almost
          second time buyers increasingly recognise the benefits of
     matters beyond the walls of Kyalami Estates such as how the property transfer process works,
 90  Kyalami Estates Average No. of Annual Sales  happen in Kyalami Estates each year.  In 2013 we had a  ‘semigration’ and o‰shore markets.  Estates, such as how the property transfer process works,
 bit of an anomaly in terms of sales volumes, at almost
                                                              ‘semigration’ and offshore markets.
          owning in the estate.
 bit of an anomaly in terms of sales volumes, at almost
 90  82  90  70% higher than usual.  This happened to coincide   matters beyond the walls of Kyalami Estates such as how the property transfer process works,
      ‘semigration’ and o‰shore markets.
 80  82  82  70% higher than usual.  This happened to coincide   ‘semigration’ and o‰shore markets.
 70% higher than usual.  This happened to coincide
 80  80  when Waterfall Village and Country Estates were really   One of the joys of being part of the RE/MAX One family is having access
 when Waterfall Village and Country Estates were really
 when Waterfall Village and Country Estates were really
 70  starting to take shape, which was likely the driver of
                               One of the joys of being part of the RE/MAX One family is having access
                                        to a diverse range of property & legal expertise.
 starting to take shape, which was likely the driver of
 70  70                       One of the joys of being part of the RE/MAX One family is having access
 starting to take shape, which was likely the driver of
 60  56  56  this jump in sales as residents relocated to these   to a diverse range of property & legal expertise.
                                               to a diverse range of property & legal expertise.
 this jump in sales as residents relocated to these
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  estates.    this jump in sales as residents relocated to these
 50  45  51  51  52
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  estates.     So if you have any property related questions please don’t
 50 40
                                        So if you have any property related questions please don’t
                                       hesitate to pop me a Whatsapp on 083 309 0760
 40  50  45  45  40  42  38  42  Beyond this 1 year spike, it’s consistent and   So if you have any property related questions please don’t
 Beyond this 1 year spike, it’s consistent and
 40  40  38  38  Beyond this 1 year spike, it’s consistent and
 40  approximately 50 properties are traded annually in   hesitate to pop me a Whatsapp on 083 309 0760
                                                 or email on
 30  approximately 50 properties are traded annually in   hesitate to pop me a Whatsapp on 083 309 0760
 approximately 50 properties are traded annually in
 30  Kyalami Estates (out of a total of 1021 properties). This   or email on
 30  Kyalami Estates (out of a total of 1021 properties). This   or email on
 20  Kyalami Estates (out of a total of 1021 properties). This
 20  5% annual churn is certainly reflective of a healthy,
 20  5% annual churn is certainly reflective of a healthy,
 5% annual churn is certainly reflective of a healthy,
 10  stable state of a‰airs in Kyalami Estates as it is not
 10  stable state of a‰airs in Kyalami Estates as it is not
 stable state of a‰airs in Kyalami Estates as it is not
 10  uncommon for this figure to be around 10% in other
 0  uncommon for this figure to be around 10% in other
 0                                                                                    ONE
 uncommon for this figure to be around 10% in other
 0  estates.   estates.                                                                 ONE
                                                                                 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2021  11
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