Page 28 - Kyalami Issue 3_2023
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
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          Clean and contemporary plants       a statement in the right setting    should be cut down when it falls over.
          and containers will extend the      and pot. Ghost the Euphorbia in a
          theme well. Turn your plants into   charcoal black pot against a concrete   •   Crassula ovata for sun to shade is a
          focal points by planting them in the   polished wall to create a dramatic   versatile indigenous succulent with
          same container that is duplicated   effect. Euphorbia trigona, either the   shiny green leaves.
          throughout the garden.              red or green versions, also make   •   One or two large single pots with
                                              magnificent potted features and can
      5.  Shape your world: geometric         tolerate indoor environments.       a Ficus lyrata or bamboo palm are
          shapes are everything in the                                            ideal in a row of upright, narrow
          minimalistic garden. You can    •   Equally fascinating is the Alocasia   planters along a side wall.
          achieve this by strategically laying   family. In recent months, a number
          your pavers in a diamond shape or   of new varieties have been       Once you’ve got a sleek and simple
          designing your beds with clean-cut   introduced to the market. One giant,   look going, maintenance is key to
          lines and sharp corners. Garden     upright Elephant Ear in a large   keeping the area tidy. A sharp set of
          centres and home stores stock bold   contemporary planter will steal the   pruning sheers will come in handy,
          water features and garden furniture   spotlight, while three leafy banana   as well as a leaf blower. Maintenance
          that will help to extend your theme   trees (Musa ensete – the edible   time is reduced because of the
          even further.                                                        uncluttered landscape and limited
                                              banana) in three matching upright   plant varieties to tend to.
      Top tip: Before you get started, create   planters look fabulous in a row.
      a mood board for how you want the                                        Be sure to visit your GCA Garden Centre
      ultimate vibe of your space to translate.   •  Philodendron Hope and Xanadu are   for advice on low maintenance plants,
      Consider what experience you would      both equally striking when repeated   pruning tools and fertilisers to keep
      like to have in the garden and what sort   in a long border in sun or semi-  your winter garden thriving. If you want
      of feeling you’re after when relaxing or   shade areas.                  more  information about creating a
      entertaining in the space.                                               minimalistic garden, check out what
                                          •   Viburnum odoratissimum is good   experts from Hingham Nursery have to
                                              for a wall of green or hedging. The   say here:
      TOP PLANT PICKS                         strong structure of this plant works
      •   The Euphorbia family has some       beautifully with swaying wild grass   Information and photos courtesy of Life
          striking members that will make     such as Aristida junciformis, which   is a Garden

                                                                               Viburnum odoratissimum is
                                                                               good for a wall of green.

      Euphorbia trigona make beautiful potted features                         Crassula ovata for sun or shade is
                                                                               an indigenous succulent

   20 DPL issue 6 2023
    12  DPL issue 9 2022
    26 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2023
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